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焦虑使他愁眉不展。Worry clouded his brow.

他因年老而记忆模糊。Age has clouded his memory.

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他眉宇之间怒气横生。His brow clouded with anger.

晴朗的天空突然阴云密布。The sunny sky suddenly clouded.

对于这一引喻,他双眉紧锁着。His brows clouded at the allusion.

听了他的话我的脸一下子沉了下来。My face clouded over at his words.

我戒烟4年了,李灿新语录。It has been 4 annuals since I clouded.

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浓雾笼罩著山顶。The thick mist clouded the mountain-top.

他的脑子里充满空想和梦幻。His brain was clouded by vapours and dreams.

我用昙镜梅洛古攻击了。I attacked with my Meloku the Clouded Mirror.

她一听到这消息,脸色就沉下来。Her face clouded over when she heard the news.

好好欣赏吧,看看你是否会看得云里雾里或者眼前一亮。Enjoy and lets see if you get clouded or lighten.

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被悲伤笼罩的Fergus于是回到了利物浦。Fergus so clouded by sorrows returned to Liverpool.

云絮点缀的蓝色天空到底怎么了?And what’s up with the skies of puffily clouded blue?

他的脸皱巴巴的,空洞的蓝眼睛布满了乌云。His face creased up and the vacant blue eyes clouded over.

我眼前一片云雾,热血在我太阳穴里突突地跳动。My eyes clouded over and the blood pulsated in my temples.

她又带着渐渐沉郁下来的神情往下说She resumed with an expression which gradually clouded over

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其余的只留在婆罗洲,成为巽他云豹。Another hung on in Borneo, becoming the Sunda clouded leopard.

她告诉克洛伊淋浴很热,蒸汽充满在玻璃房内。She told Chloe how the shower was hot and steam clouded the glass.

在主流中这些问题和钱搅在一起就变得复杂了。Once in the mainstream the issues become clouded by monetary concerns.