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其中血瘀耳窍为最主要的病机。Blood stasis is the most common pathogenesis.

自2005年以来,基类库就处于停滞之中。Since 2005, the base class library was in stasis.

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我计划在停滞期期间和之后非常“易见”。I plan to be very "visible" during and post stasis.

是郊区中产阶级生活的静止的死胡同?The cul-de-sac stasis of life in the suburban middle class?

病位在巅,病机为风和瘀,治疗当治风与治血相须为用。Its treatment should concentrate on both wind and blood stasis.

使用这种袜子已成为预防静脉郁滞的常规措施。They are used as a routine preventative treatmet of venous stasis.

络脉瘀阻是肝癌发生发展的重要环节。Collateral stasis and obstruction is the important developing link.

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只要掌握住血虚感寒、或阳虚生寒、或瘀阻疼痛,皆可应用。It can be applied for Blood Deficient, Yang Deficient or blood stasis.

脑出血与瘀血、痰水、火热、毒邪密切相关。Acute period of intracerebral hemorrhage is associated with Blood Stasis.

但是,很多疾病都有与血瘀证相关的表现。However, many diseases are associated with the performance of blood stasis.

提示通瘀法治疗肝病有较好疗效。Results showed Dispersing blood stasis therapy had better clinical effects.

抵消者拥有不同于停滞之球的新外观。The Nullifier has a new aesthetic appearance different from the Stasis Orb.

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我们所有的只是社会秩序和就业安排的概念,而这点实质上已经处于停滞不前的状态了。What we had was a concept of order and placement, which is essentially stasis.

风湿瘀血凝滞,逐渐形成骨剌。The rheumatism stasis of blood stagnates , gradually forms the bone to perverse.

血病的表现,一般分为出血、血和血虚。Blood disorders are generally divided into hemorrhage, blood stasis and hemopenia.

我提议你,现在按下按键,在障碍时期做打叠整顿。My suggestion to you is to just push the button now and sort it out during stasis.

邪实则有外邪、湿浊热毒、瘀血等。There are external evil , such as damp-heat , blood stasis etc in excess syndrome.

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方法就在于,去解决糖尿病患者的,足溃疡和静脉瘀血性溃疡问题。And the money is in solving people's diabetic foot ulcers and venous stasis ulcers.

湿邪、热毒之邪和血瘀是本病之标。Wet evil, the painfully hot sun evil and the blood stasis is sign of this sickness.

血瘀风燥证治以活血化瘀,行气解毒。Blood stasis syndrome in the dry, to invigorate the circulation of qi detoxification.