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呆头鹅看过上帝吗?Do geese see God?

像飞掠天空的大雁。Like geese about the sky.

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然后有两只野雁飞过来。And then two wild geese came.

鹅群几乎把水面盖了。The geese almost hid the water.

雁群嗷嗷地飞过。Flocks of honking geese flew past.

许多野雁跌入水中死了。Many geese fall dead in the water.

一些野鹅刚刚飞过。Some wild geese have just flown over.

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大雁由北向南飞。The wild geese fly from north to south.

阴雨天大白鹅成了污泥鹅。Wet weather makes the white geese muddy.

一群鹅挺着脖子在大道上走着。A flock of geese perked down the roadway.

两组鹅在完全相同条件下混群饲养。All geese were raised in the same condition.

鸭子和鹅在后院泥水中翻腾。The ducks and geese puddled in the backyard.

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那个加拿大鹅家庭目前有6只幼鹅。The geese now have a family of six goslings.

猎人正在开枪射杀这些野雁。Hunters are shooting their guns at the geese.

雁在秋天的空中鸣叫。The wild geese honked high in the autumn sky.

湖上有几只鹅和鸭在戏水。Some geese and ducks are swimming on the lake.

最有名的动物是海狸、野鹅。The most famous animals are the beaver, geese.

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每逢狐狸讲道,当心鹅儿遭殃。When the fox preacheth,then beware your geese.

“没错,野雁群很有趣,”另一只野雁说。"Yes, geese have a lot of fun, " says another.

那位农夫在他的农场里饲养了一群鹅。The farmer rears a gaggle of geese on his farm.