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堪萨斯州算不上生态主义的热土。Kansas is hardly a hotbed of eco-activism.

摩苏尔是叛军暴力的最新温床。Mosul is the latest hotbed of insurgent violence.

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网络已经成为诱发青少年犯罪的温床。The network has become a hotbed of juvenile crime.

“小金库”是当前滋生腐败现象的温床。The "departmental coffer" is a hotbed of corruption.

这些是放在温床中经受耐寒锻炼的幼苗。These are the seedlings that are hardening off in a hotbed.

15世纪初,意大利的佛罗伦萨城是一个艺术创作百家争鸣之地。In the early 1400s, Florence, Italy was a hotbed of artistic competition.

北澳大利亚是奇异动物的温床,包括皱褶蜥蜴。Northern Australia is a hotbed of exotic animals, including the frilled lizard.

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北澳大利亚是奇异动物的温床,包括皱褶蜥蜴。Northern Australia is a hotbed of exotic animals, including the frilled lizard.

为了警戒其他希腊人,亚历山大向南进军前往底比斯城——叛乱的起源地。As a warning to other Greeks, Alexander marches south to Thebes, the hotbed of the rebellion.

在这种意义上,程序正义可以说是现代法律文明的理性价值之渊薮。In this sense, procedural justice can be said of modern legal culture hotbed of rational value.

美国太平洋西北部长期以来一直是绿色政治和尖端科技产生的摇篮。The Pacific Northwest has long been a hotbed of both Green politics and cutting-edge technology.

显然,不甚严厉的惩处,为一些商家的冒险行为搭建了“温床”。Obviously, not really severe punishment, has built the hotbed for some business's adventurist actions.

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苗床土壤温度在华氏70至75度之间对培育大多数种子最为理想。A soil temperature in the hotbed between 70 and 75 degrees Fahranheit is ideal for planting most seeds.

而武仙座只是银河系周围能产生这种天文现象的一百五十多个球状星团之一。This hotbed of celestial activity is just one of nearly 150 globular clusters surrounding the Milky Way.

作为第二次世界大战中一个活动的温床,这些岛屿拥有很多沉没的货轮、潜艇和飞机。A hotbed of activity during World War II, these islands are home to sunken freighters, submarines, and planes.

底特律美梦正酣时,日本早已摆脱了廉价劳动力的经济模式,并将商业创新做得有声有色。While Detroit slept, Japan had transformed itself from a low-wage economy into a hotbed of business innovation.

目前中国已经成为了在线盗版及免费下载音乐、电影、甚至电视节目的温床。Until now, China has been a hotbed of online piracy and free downloads of music, film and even television shows.

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太阳能增温床是揉合塑料棚、温室和电温床的技术原理而设制的。Solar energy hotbed was made according to the principle of making plastic tent, conservatory and electric hotbed.

而阿尔及尔一直以来就是恐怖分子在北非的前哨站和温床。He was a natural to be the CIA's top man in Algiers, a North Africa listening post and frequent hotbed of terrorists.

如果它独立,就会成为反华运动的温床,而且也会让印度的影响扩大到中国的中心地带。If it was independent it would be a hotbed of anti-China activity and spread Indian influence into the Chinese heartland.