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修剪、烫发。A trim and perm.

修剪然后烫发。A trim and perm.

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丘比特的箭射得真准。Cupid shoots so trim.

粉红色,搭配棕色边饰。Pink with brown trim.

灰色,搭配橙色边饰。Grey with orange trim.

拆下车门饰板。Remove door trim panel.

人造毛皮镶边的按钮关闭。Button off faux fur trim.

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我要修一下头发再烫一下。I want a trim and a perm.

丰富的马笼头皮革饰边。Rich bridle leather trim.

我想修剪头发并烫一下。I'd like a trim and a perm.

后背和两边都修一修。Trim it at the back and side.

我叫理发师把头发修剪一下。I asked the barber for a trim.

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粉红色,搭配巧克力棕色边饰。Pink with chocolate brown trim.

她看上去总是整洁、俐落。She always looks neat and trim.

修去猪肉上的肥膘。Trim any fat from pork fillets.

你的眉毛是否修过或齐整?Are your eyebrows trim and neat?

导致而且回档整理我的圣诞树。Come and trim my Christmas tree.

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可拆卸人造毛皮装饰罩。Removable faux fur trim on hood.

不要修剪那里的紫藤。Do not trim those wisteria vines.

我要稍稍修一下跟烫发。I'd like a light trim and a perm.