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热使塑料变形。Heat deforms plastics.

常州华科塑料有限公司。Changzhou Huake Plastics Co. , Ltd.

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四方体可以用塑料做成。The squares can be made of plastics.

现在也用塑料雕刻。Nowadays engravers also use plastics.

塑料工业现在发展得很快。The plastics industry is growing fast.

那几种塑胶粘不住。Those plastics will not bond together.

塑料的废碎料及下脚料。Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics.

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塑料最终应用市场趋势。Trends in End-Use Markets for Plastics.

上海神马工程塑料公司。Shanghai Shenma Engineering Plastics Co.

现在许多鞋是用塑料制作的。Many shoes nowadays are made of plastics.

塑料适当加热就可以软化。Plastics will soften when exposed to heat.

DEHP是在塑料制造过程中使用的。DEHP is used in the manufacture of plastics.

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上海林杰橡塑制品有限公司。Shanghai Linjie Plastics Products Co. , Ltd.

所有塑胶都是石油的副产品。All plastics are the byproducts of petroleum.

塑料和渔具是正在持续的危险。Plastics and fishing gear are an ongoing danger.

大多数塑料都不容易导电。Most plastics do not readily conduct electricity.

泰国正在研究针对基于石油的塑料征税。Thailand is studying a tax on oil-based plastics.

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两个塑料潜水泵并联泵水。Two submerged plastics pumps pump up in parallel.

塑料光电板比硅材料光电板的加工成本更低。Plastics are much cheaper to process than silicon.

废旧塑料是一种可以回收利用的资源。Waste plastics is a kind of recoverable resources.