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究竟亚贡雪莲果的果实是什么味道的呢?What does yacon tuber taste like?

政府也开始将注意力转向马铃薯。Governments are also turning to the tuber.

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鳞茎、球茎和块茎之间有什么区别?What is the difference between a bulb, a corm, and a tuber?

地黄的传统药用部位是块根,为“四大怀药”之一。Glutinous rehmannia's traditional for medicinal is the root tuber.

出苗天数的增加可导致块茎产量大幅度减少。To increase emergence days could lead to reduction of tuber yields.

这年,我们用紫色块茎中的芋头,南瓜豆腐泡。This year, we used the purplish tuber in taro and pumpkin tofu puffs.

多年生草本植物的一个属,具块茎或地下茎。A similar underground stem or root, such as a corm, rhizome, or tuber.

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根紫红色,管状,纺锤形的到球形。叶脉紫红色。Root purple-red, tuber like, fusiform to globose. Leaf veins purple-red.

但是灰结节区域出现局限性高信号。There is, however a hyperintense focus in the region the tuber cinereum.

但是灰结节区域出现局限性高信号。There is, however, a hyperintense focus in the region of the tuber cinereum.

本发明可广泛应用于榨菜生产企业。The invention can be widely used for enterprises of tuber mustard production.

换言之,亚贡雪莲果块茎的血糖指数非常低和所含卡路里是极少的。In other words, yacon tuber has a very low glycemic index and very few calories.

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枕髁和颈静脉结节的磨除可增加手术视野。The resection of occipital condylar and jugular tuber can increase surgical freedom.

目的评价新型双腔胃管临床应用的效果。Objective To evaluate the clinical efficiency of a novel double-cavity gastric tuber.

穆科诺,乌干达——莱恩特·纳卢古从她的地里掘起一块木薯,用刀切开。MUKONO, Uganda — Lynet Nalugo dug a cassava tuber out of her field and sliced it open.

麻类作物是我国主要的经济作物,其纤维为我国的纺织、轻工、造纸提供了丰富的原材料。The status quo of production of staple root and tuber crop was analyzed in this paper.

如果你觉得这还不满足的话,亚贡雪莲果块茎还可以给你的身体提供人体生理所需的20种氨基酸。As if that's not enough, the tuber can give your body a great balance of 20 amino acids.

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现代研究表明,天麻为兰科多年寄生植物的干燥块茎。Modern research has shown, for orchids gastrodia tuber parasitic plant dry for many years.

冠层覆盖度与块茎膨大速度及块茎产量亦呈极显著正相关。Canopy cover degrees had a outstanding positive linear correlation to tuber expansive speeds.

因而生产优良健康的种薯,对马铃薯的生产显得尤为的重要。So producing healthy and virus-free seed tuber is the most important task for potato industry.