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它有点属灵骄傲与菁英的味道。It smacks of spiritual pride and elitism.

事实上,我希望有更多的行业能表现出强烈的精英主义。In fact, I wish more jobs had clear forms of elitism.

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相应的,他们也蔑视我们的优越劲头和城市做派。In turn, they disparaged our elitism and urban mores.

投资刺激了英国的竞技体育,但无情的精英主义也起到了作用。Investment galvanised British athletics but so did a pitiless elitism.

不同的是,这次我们要面对来自两方面的精英主义。The difference this time is that we will confront elitism from both sides.

此外,还对“精英主义”的批评模式提出了反批评。Besides, there is a counter-criticism against the critical mode of "elitism".

博兰先生主张恢复地方和基本的,即使是在危险中的执政。Mr. Pollan advocates a return to the local and the basic, even at the risk of elitism.

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孙中山的精英主义思想与中国近代政治的变迁有著十分密切的联系。Sun Yat-sen's Elitism is closely related to the transformation of latter-day Chinese politics.

严格的选拔标准是否会造成精英主义,进而危及奥林匹克重在参与的理念呢?。Will severe selection standards create elitism and threaten the Olympic ethic of participation?

一种精英主义还在福音书里记载的耶稣时代的那些宗教精英身上表现出来。An elitism which isalso reflected in the gospels by the hypocrisy of the religious eliteof Jesus' day.

精英性“和”大众性已成为当今世界高等教育结构改革的两大主题。Elitism and populism are two major trends of higher education structural reform in the world of today.

民粹主义和精英主义似乎是两种不同的倾向,但它们确实是一丘之貉。These two attitudes — populism and elitism — seem different, but they’re really mirror images of one another.

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你在其他学院的朋友就会变成你优越感的第一受害者——因为近墨者黑。Your colleagues at the other colleges then become the first victims of your elitism – by nature of proximity.

难免会有批评之声,攻击来头不小,足以影响到比约克的自我解释。As always, there is criticism, and the charges that have stung Bjork enough to explain herself are of elitism.

我猜想,自致的精英们比那些单纯依靠继承或者财产而来的精英们要好得多。I guess. I suppose that a meritocratic elitism is a little better than a purely inherited or wealth-based elitism.

本文是应用含菁英政策之基因演算法于复杂系统之模式最佳化近似。In this paper, the problem of optimally approximating complex systems is solved by a genetic algorithm with elitism.

在我图书馆工作生涯的初期,曾经遇到图书馆内部的等级主义思想以及精英主义思想。From the very beginning of my career in librarianship , I have confronted a current of classism and elitism in libraries.

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事实上,山达基在它的信徒中,尤其是名人中所推销的东西,很多就是赤裸裸的精英主义。Indeed, much of the appeal of Scientology is the overt élitism that it promotes among its members, especially celebrities.

然而历史表明,有一种精英主义渗透到机构化的基督教中。Yet there's a sort of elitism that characteristically infiltrates theranksof institutional Christianity as history has shown.

这一切都令人感到羞愧,因为那些指摘弗兰岑高傲的断言不仅不正确,而且大错特错。All this is a particular shame because the allegations of elitism leveled at Franzen are not only untrue, they're the opposite of true.