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“在脏的地方”,一个公务人员说,“通常看到弃婴和死婴。”Most frequently dumped, say officials, are newborns and stillborn children.

当她周一上午到医院检查时,她的婴儿已胎死腹中。By the time she went to hospital on the Monday morning, her baby was stillborn.

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超过一百万婴儿为死产,另有九十万四千名婴儿出生后不久即死亡。More than 1 million babies are stillborn and another 904, 000 die soon after birth.

每年有300万婴儿在生命第一个月中死亡,死产婴儿数量类似。Three million babies die every year in their first month of life and a similar number are stillborn.

哈特说,当天,霍尔在一个公园里告诉警方说她生下了一个死婴。That day, Hall summoned police to a park, saying she had given birth to a stillborn child, Hart said.

该署上周表示,今年已有一百五十三只海豚死亡,其中六十五只是新生或尚未出生的小海豚。There have been 153 deaths this year, 65 of them newly born or stillborn calves, NOAA said last week.

每年约有400万婴儿在生命第一个月中死亡,死产婴儿数量类似。About four million babies die every year in their first month of life and a similar number are stillborn.

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每年有三百万婴儿死于生后第一周,大约有三百三十万胎儿死产。Tree million babies die in the first week of life and about 3·3 million infants are stillborn every year.

据传曾有个叫夏洛特的女子在这间屋子诞下一死胎男孩后死去。Supposedly a woman by the name of Charlotte died in the house after having given birth to a stillborn boy.

每年有300多万新生儿死亡,另有300万婴儿是死产儿。More than three million newborn babies die every year, and an additional three million babies are stillborn.3

如果胎儿之一在妊娠早期死亡,死胎可全部被吸收,不需采取措施。If one of fetal is in gravid and inchoate death, stillborn foetus can be absorbed entirely, do not need to take step.

他在医院期间经历过一些流产,“但我们从来不谈那些,那对护士影响很大。”There were stillborn births during his time at the clinic, "but we never talked about it. It affected the nurses deeply".

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就算是仍在盈利的公司,也抱怨银行消极作法,称这将扼杀美国经济复苏萌芽。Still profitable firms complain of a major pullback by banks, which many warn will leave a U.S. economic recovery stillborn.

她嫁给当地一个男人,怀了孕,生孩子时耗了三天时间,然后陷入昏迷,产下一个死婴。She married a local man, became pregnant and after three days of labor, she lapsed into unconsciousness and the baby was stillborn.

无论它能引得多少用户趋之若鹜,到头来仍会像Buzz和SearchWikis等谷歌搜索的其它特性一样胎死腹中。No matter how many users it may garner, it will turn out like the other stillborn features in Google's search, e.g. Buzz and SearchWikis.

这个主题的源头让电影作者想起了那个曾经与他在同一子宫孕育却一生下来就是死胎的孪生兄弟。His production is haunted throughout by death, a theme whose origins recall the filmer"s own, when he shared the womb with a stillborn twin."

莉莉曾在怀孕六个月的时候流产了一个儿子,这让她格外渴望能定下来生个孩子。Lily, whose son was stillborn in November, six months into her pregnancy, has made no secret of her desire to settle down and start a family.

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如果利息率升得太高太快,经济复苏可能胎死腹中,现今的政策挽救措施也会逐渐失去作用。The economic recovery could be stillborn if interest rates rise too far too fast. And today’s policy remedies could become increasingly ineffective.

猪细小病毒N株是从广西初产母猪所产死胎脏器分离的自然弱毒株。The N strain of porcine parvovirus was a natural low virulent variant strain, which was isolated from the viscera of a stillborn fetus farrowed by a gilt in Guangxi.

子痫前期会造成怀孕时患高血压,而且严重的话,她会引起肾脏和肝损伤,或者未出生的婴儿死于胎中。Pre-eclampsia leads to high blood pressure in pregnancy and in severe cases can lead to the woman suffering kidney and liver damage or their unborn baby being stillborn.