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撒旦是救世主?Lucifer as Redeemer?

然后下面是路西法。Then Below is Lucifer.

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跟着撒旦密谋反对上帝。Conspired against our God with Lucifer.

当金星在晨曦中升起,我正在栩栩如生的梦中。When Lucifer appeared in the dawn, I dreamed a vivid dream.

他的名子叫鲁西弗,曾是一个美丽明亮的天使。His name was Lucifer , and he was a beautiful shining angel.

童心未泯的双子座当然会选这种鬼。Childlike Geminis will choose this kind of lucifer of course.

山姆和迪安对峙路西法之间会发生什么事?What will happen to the face off between Sam and Dean and Lucifer?

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倘若拉斯维加斯是罪恶之城,那么芭堤雅便是撒旦怀中的宠儿。If Las Vegas is Sin City, Pattaya is a bear hug from Lucifer himself.

红脸奥森·斯通同麻杆儿路西弗·郎恩都称自己是骑士。Red-faced Orson Stone claimed to be a knight as did lanky Lucifer Long.

路西法答复了他们,岂非这没有写在你们的法律外么,我说,你们是神亮么。Lucifer answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

魔鬼教派”,是指对圣经里撒旦和魔鬼的崇拜和模仿。Satanism", is the worship and imitation of the biblical Satan or Lucifer."

他是一个强大的,具有强大的国王,并于明年增设后,阿。Belial . He is a Mighty and a Powerful King, and was created next after LUCIFER.

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但因为他想自己做神,就变得骄傲起来,试图背叛神。But Lucifer became proud and tried to rebel against God, because he wanted to be God.

Kitesurfers需要一些壮观的冲浪并路西法Drysuit是他们的答案。Kitesurfers needed something spectacular to surf in and Lucifer Drysuit is their answer.

然先路西法来临并对他们说,他说,所有的气力都是给我的,不管是在地狱仍是人间。And Lucifer came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

实际上,我还找到一条参考资料,里面就用了Lucifer的本意,借它来指称耶稣。In fact, I found one reference where Lucifer is used as an alternative name for Jesus because of this root meaning.

我们这个协会的目标之一,就是鼓励火柴和其它类似小工业品的生产制造。One of the objects of our association was to encourage the manufacture of lucifer matches, and similar small industries.

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爱丽丝贝利将路西法基金易名露丝时基金,因为路西法基金会太清楚地揭出新纪元运动的本质。Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly.

山羊座的人可能会很自恋。每天不论去哪儿他们都会带面小镜子。即使做鬼也一定是爱美的自恋鬼。The Capricorn maybe love their beauty without measure. They bring a mirror wherever they go. They must be the narcissism even when they are lucifer.

在Lucifer这个词还没变“坏”以前,罗马人用它来指称金星,因为金星在清晨先于太阳升起,预示着白日光明的来临。Well, before Lucifer was the bad guy the Romans used the name to designate the planet Venus as it rose before the sun in the morning, heralding the light of day.