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衷心感谢希腊共和国和她热情的团队。Heartfelt thanks to the Hellenic Republic and She enthusiastic team.

它反映了,但没有超越文化价值的希腊文明。It reflected but did not transcend the cultural values of hellenic civilization.

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在中世纪圣经和希腊语相结合,达到顶峰。The alliance of Biblical faith and Hellenic reason culminated in the Middle Ages.

它在本质上是北方的重情主义对希腊尚知主义的排斥。It is, essentially, a rejection of Hellenic intellectualism by the sentimentalism of the North.

斗的你,提醒我们在努力追求梦想的同时,千万不要忘了最初的本心。Dou you, remind us trying to pursue their dreams at the same time, don't forget the Hellenic initially.

广义的希腊化国家包括罗马帝国、帕提亚帝国和帕加马等。The Hellenic countries in a broad sense include the Roman Empire, the Parthian Empire and Pergamos, etc.

柏拉图,诡辩派职业哲学家最严厉的批评者之一,认为他们是古希腊文化所有精华的敌人。Plato, one of the Sophists severest critics viewed them as the enemies of all that was best in Hellenic culture.

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终究,罗马的艺术,文化以及宗教大多起源于希腊,出现这个问题在所难免。The question is bound to arise when so much of Rome's art, literature and religion was derived from Hellenic sources.

其中最值得一提的是他的多重哲学认知、古希腊美学创作理念和富于革新的叙事风格。Such an effort is typical in terms of his multi-sourced philosophy, Hellenic esthetics and theatrical narrative style.

所以你要试着把你的消息带到,一个即将举行的泛希腊的节日上So, you would try to take your message to one of the Pan Hellenic festivals which were getting organized about this time.

在描述基督教萌芽时期,希腊文化和希伯来文化相互影响的时候,韦德先生夸大了事实。In describing the interplay between Hellenic and Hebrew culture at the dawning of Christianity, Mr Wade makes exaggerated claims.

也有人将其视之为欧洲文艺复兴的催化剂,特别是在希腊式的天才从拜占庭的教条主义解放出来之后尤其如此。Others again see it as a catalyst for the European Renaissance, especially after Hellenic talent was freed from Byzantine dogmatism.

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今天,我们已经知道他们的,事实上,从早期基督时代出的湍流宗教海域希腊埃及。We know today that they were, in fact, from the early Christian era, and came out of the turbulent religious seas of Hellenic Egypt.

塞浦路斯银行,大众银行和塞浦路斯希腊银行很明显地为许多公司,地方当局和政客取消了数百万欧元的贷款。The Bank of Cyprus, Laiki and Hellenic Bank apparently forgave loans of millions of euros to companies, local authorities and politicians.

该指责激怒了希腊地产联合会主席S-P,该组织旨在保护地产商的利益。It is a charge that angers Stratos Paradias, head of the Hellenic Property Federation, a group that defends the interests of property owners.

可口可乐希腊装瓶公司已经保持了谨慎展望一年后,运营利润为单位在第三季度完成。Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company has cautiously maintained its outlook for the year after its operating profit was flat in the third quarter.

爱奥尼亚诗人从适宜的传说和神话的材料中提炼创作出一种新形式的希腊神话,而这些传说神话的原本意思再也不为人所知了。The Ionian poets created from the adaptive material of legends and myths, no longer understandable in their original meaning, a new Hellenic mythology.

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希腊奥委会主席米诺斯·基里亚库周六说,奥运圣火交接仪式的准备工作已经完全就绪。Preparations for the Olympic Torch Handover Ceremony are completely in place, Minos Kyriakou, president of the Hellenic Olympic Committee said on Saturday.

塞浦路斯共和国总统赫里斯托菲亚斯先生在雅典会议,昨天与希腊共和国总统帕普利亚斯先生。The President of the Republic Mr Demetris Christofias had a meeting, yesterday in Athens, with the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr Karolos Papoulias.

肯特在雅典MBA是一个模块化可在行政上周末在雅典的格式,由我们的合作伙伴机构的希腊管理协会主办。The Kent MBA in Athens is available in an modular executive weekend format in Athens, hosted by our partner institution the Hellenic Management Association.