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不要忽略婚姻关系中隐而未现的问题。Don’t ignore unacknowledged problems in your relationship.

对于“罗马”的恐惧正是对于我们自身恐惧的不承认。The fear of the Roma is an unacknowledged fear of ourselves.

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我并非孤独、受冷落,植物向我点头,我颔首以报。I am not alone and unacknowledged. They nod to me, and I to them.

暂时的,这些就是胡佛作为新政未被承认的始作俑者的理由。Such, briefly, is the case for Hoover as the unacknowledged sire of the New Deal.

其三,完全没有体认到未来发展的高度不确定性。Third, the rampant uncertainty about what lies ahead goes entirely unacknowledged.

一份作业中部分为机器翻译也属于学术欺骗。An assignment that includes unacknowledged machine-translated sections is academic dishonesty.

在当今中国,诚实不但不受待见,而且常常被当做愚蠢。"In today's China, honesty is not only unacknowledged but often regarded as stupidity," he says.

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“有关性行为的未确认的最大的事实中的一个就是它的经济基础,”他说。“One of the biggest unacknowledged facts about sex is the underlying economy to it all,” he said.

但是,许多家庭成员说,囤积给他们造成的痛苦在很大程度上仍未得到承认。But many family members say the pain that hoarding inflicts on them is still largely unacknowledged.

更加具有关注性,可悲的是更常见的,是没有承认和没有管理的设计债。What is far more concerning, and sadly, more common, is design debt that is unacknowledged and unmanaged.

最后发方将会不计时,并且由丢失的或损坏的一帧开始,重发所有未接收的帧。The sender eventually will time out and retransmit all unacknowledged frames , beginning with the lost or damaged one.

一种未确认无连接链路。联路上,在传输发生前发送设备和接收设备不建立连接。An Unacknowledged Connectionless Link, where the sending and receiving devices do not set up a connection before transmitting.

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尽管有人猜测她可能对狭义相对论有未被承认的贡献,她本人则从来没有做过这样的声明。Despite speculation about her possible unacknowledged contributions to special relativity, she herself never made such claims.

受可用资源的限制,目前已经在许多领域影响了经济活动,然而这些冲击目前还没有得到公认。Limits on available resources already restrict economic activity in many sectors, though their impact usually goes unacknowledged.

这些都在意料之中。俄国,中国和美国的间谍机构为窃取别国技术,正在进行一场不被称道的战争。None of this is exceptional. Russian, Chinese and American espionage agents wage unacknowledged wars to steal the others' technology.

存在着对从坟墓里窜起而后又在我们的五脏六腑尽情享乐的亡灵的恐惧倒是真的,只是未公开承认罢了。Or perhaps there exists a genuine if publicly unacknowledged fear of the dead rising from their graves and feasting upon our entrails.

如果消息位于无法寻址的端点中,也不应在尚未重新发送未得到确认的消息的情况下进行消息重发。Nor should it resend an unacknowledged message if it wouldn't have done so at that time, had the target of those messages been an addressable endpoint.

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任何文化者有不便公开承认的禁忌——在客套的交往中禁止你说或做的某些事,这些清规戒律容不得任何置疑。Every culture has its unacknowledged taboos—the things you are forbidden to say or do in polite company, the accepted truths you are not allowed to doubt.

“在当今的中国,诚信不仅不被承认还往往被认为是愚蠢”,他说,“我知道很多中国人认为美国人幼稚并且容易欺骗。”"In today's China, honesty is not only unacknowledged but often regarded as stupidity," he says. "I know many Chinese think Americans are naïve and easily fooled.

但是在重大项目上,灵感的缺乏迫使基廷寻求罗克的帮助,罗克是基廷最出名的建筑的幕后设计师。But on major commissions, Keating's lack of inspiration forces him to seek help from Roark, who is the unacknowledged designer of Keating's most renowned buildings.