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一种由重音-重音-非重音组成的韵律音节单位。Stressed or accented. Used of a syllable in accentual prosody.

首先描述了韵律生成的相关模型。First, it described three models related to prosody generation.

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其诗歌比较讲究韵律节奏和整齐仗。Comparison of its poetry Prosody pay attention to rhythm and tidy battle.

因此,文语转换系统还应当具有文本分析和韵律控制功能的模块。Thus text analysis and prosody control module should be included in a TTS system.

语义韵是指情感在语篇中流动所形成的语篇情感氛围。Prosody refers to sentimental orientation of a text through the affect flow within.

可你又强调形式与诗体论对润饰修改诗的重要性。Yet you also stress the importance of forms and prosody in polishing and revising poetry.

本文中的工作主要围绕以语音合成和辅助语音识别为目的的韵律研究而进行的。Our work is mainly on prosody research serving for Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis.

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文本分析、韵律控制和语音合成这三个模块是文语转换系统的三个核心部分。Text analysis, prosody control and speech synthesis module are three cores of a TTS system.

你能注意到并能讨论的韵律要素有哪些?弄清诗歌中的押韵节拍、诗节模式。What elements of prosody can you note and discuss? Look for rhyme, meter, and stanza patterns.

以往论述声律说的成就,多集中在它对发展汉语文学形式的贡献。The research of prosody used to focus on its contribution to the development of Chinese literary form.

本文考察了中国英语学习者形容词增强语的语义韵特点。This paper investigates the semantic prosody of adjective amplifiers used by Chinese learners of English.

语义韵研究是语料库语言学近年兴起的课题,也是研究词语行为的一个新的方面。Semantic prosody is a new theme in Corpus Linguistics as well as a fresh aspect of studying lexical behaviour.

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语义韵和语义偏好是词语搭配研究中一组相关但不相同的概念。Semantic prosody and semantic preference are two related but distinguished concepts in the study of collocation.

然后以研究的问题为着眼点,回顾了言语产生中韵律生成的相关研究。Then it reviewed the researches related to prosody generation in language production, basing on issues they concerned.

本文提出的基于分类树结构的区分度模型能有效地结合韵律单元结构对重音的制约。With a structure of classify tree, the model combined the restriction of tone context and prosody hierarchy effectively.

拟声词是以特定的韵律结构直接摹画现实世界的声音,能使语言更加形象、生动。Onomatopoeia can intimate the sound of the real world directly in a special prosody. It can make the language more vivid.

在本篇论文中,我们针对时域基周同步叠加法提出一个在韵律调整前就可做主观听觉失真估测的方法。In this paper, a method for estimating perceptual distortion before performing prosody modification by TD-PSOLA was presented.

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结合纠正知识库的改进建议和韵律修正语音,可以及时地给学习者以帮助。Recommendations for improvement queried from correction knowledge base and prosody modified speech offer learners a timely help.

我边写边念,但当读给别人听时,我还是发现,诗中没有共同的音律和韵律。I spoke them slowly as I wrote and only discover- ed when I read them to somebody else that there was no common music, no prosody.

语义韵律问题,是90年代以来国外语言学界尤其是词汇语义学、词典学研究比较重视的一个新课题。Semantic Prosody is a new field in the foreign linguistics circles, especially in lexical semantics and lexicology since the 1990's.