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全世界都正看着在塔伊兹的我们身上发生了什么。The whole world is watching this happen to us in Taiz.

据报导,亲政府的狙击手打死两名示威者。Pro-government snipers reportedly shot two demonstrators dead in Taiz.

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太子河断裂在第四纪期间有过活动,年代为中、晚更新世。Taiz river fault was active in the middle and late pleistocene, Quaternary.

在南部城市塔伊兹,示威者们将手从国旗伸出,做出胜利的手势。Demonstrators in the southern city of Taiz flashed victory signs through the national flag.

却没有一个人表示反对或站出来说句话,”阿布杜拉告诉一位帮助我跟这里的百姓沟通的塔伊兹记者。And no one speaks or objects, ” Abdullah told a Yemeni reporter in Taiz who helped me talk to civilians.

来自塔伊兹市医院的消息称,至少15人丧生,据说几人受伤。Hospital sources in the city of Taiz say at least 15 people have been killed, several more are said to be seriously hurt.

这个月初在南部城市塔伊兹一名16岁左右的学生被安全部队作为示范击毙。A 16 year-old boy died earlier this month after being shot by security forces at a demonstration in the southern city of Taiz.

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这是发生在也门南部城市塔伊兹的抗议者在游行中高喊口号要求也门总统萨利赫辞职。Protesters shout slogans during a demonstration demanding the ouster of Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the southern city of Taiz.

路透社说,在也门西南部城市塔伊兹,一辆汽车上的一名乘客向示威者扔出一枚手榴弹,造成8名抗议者受伤。The Reuters news agency says eight protesters were injured in the southwestern city of Taiz after a passenger in a vehicle threw a grenade at them.

联合国人权事务署发表声明说,自29日以来,塔伊兹已有50多人死于反政府示威活动。United Nations Human Rights Commission said in a statement that since 29 years, more than 50 people have died in Taiz anti-government demonstrations.

反政府抗议者在也门南部城市萨伊兹举行反政府集会呼吁剥夺也门总统萨利赫的权利。Anti-government protesters perform noon prayers during a rally demanding the ouster of Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the southern city of Taiz.

塔伊兹市至少有一人被打死。一名乘客投掷了一枚手榴弹反对也门政府。At least one person was killed in the city of Taiz. A passenger in a car threw a grenade that exploded as a crowd demonstrated against the Yemeni government.

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在塔伊兹省,保安部队向天开枪,阻止年轻人在广场聚集示威,逼使他们要分散留在附近的清真寺。In Taiz province, security forces opened fire to the sky to stop the young protesters gathered in the square, forcing them to remain in the scattered near the mosque.

在也门,要求总统阿卜杜拉·萨利赫下台的抗议游行活动仍在进行。在南部城市塔伊兹,示威者们将手从国旗伸出,做出胜利的手势。Protests continued in Yemen demanding President Ali Abdullah Saleh step down. Demonstrators in the southern city of Taiz flashed victory signs through the national flag.

现在不清楚是谁在萨那市场点燃了炮弹。政府军队和反抗军军队已在该地区进行了好几周的战斗。Separately, a pro-opposition television station says government troops fired shells in Yemen's second largest city Taiz. Reports say at least three civilians were wounded.

Taiz说,“在缺乏创造高质量教学所需资源的情况下设定这种目标是冒险的,会产生走捷径和玩花样的诱惑。”"Setting this kind of goal without the resources you need to deliver a quality education is risky and leads to the temptation to take shortcuts and use gimmicks," Taiz said.

台州人民富有创新精神,早在1980年3月就成立了浙江省内第一家新型的农民专业合作组织--临海市茶叶协会。Early in march of1980year the people of taiz hou having innovation spirit has come into existence the frist new farmer specialty cooperate organization of zhejiang province-tea isoc of linhai city.