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一群拜金女……A 1 ton gold nugget.

最后再去拿最右边的金块。Finally, collect the rightmost nugget.

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戒指很可能是由一块珍贵的威尔士金打造而成。The ring will likely be made from a nugget of Welsh gold.

手肘肌肉硬块和脚踝骨膜炎怎么治疗?How are elbow muscle nugget and ankle periostitis treated?

所以你经常在实验室,就把实验室的联系方式写最上面。So if you spend your life in lab, that may be the first nugget.

右侧腋窝出现了一个硬块是什么疾病?On the right side of axillary appeared what disease is a nugget?

实际上澳大利亚1992年就突破了技术难关。The Australians of course solved that particular nugget in 1992.

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我在说之前我认真衡量了这件事的价值和潜在的可能。I weigh the value and potential of this nugget before I dole it out.

中国大部分狗头金分布在湖南、四川、黑龙江、青海与山东五省。Nugget in China are widely distribution in Hunan . Sichuan. Heilongjiang.

一些疏忽大意的人把这个生锈的耙子随手扔在了荨麻丛里。Some nugget tossed this rusty fork away, and it got lodged in the nettles.

我的宝宝耳后长了个小拇指大的硬块,是什么东西?My darling grew the nugget with a big little finger after ear, what thing be?

“狗头金”一般由挖矿时被发现,是一种形状不规则的金块。Gold nugget is a kind of gold produced through mining, and of irregular shape.

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我把这条黄金知识留到最后来说是因为睡觉的影响可是显而易见的。I saved this little nugget of knowledge for last because of how obvious it is.

特别值得一提的,是“导弹快邮”,这条小知识绝对值得占据一点点你珍贵的脑容量。Missile mail, in particular, is worthy of occupying a small nugget of the brain.

细长纺锤形栽植就是这种最适密度条件下的一个例证。At a suitable place through regeneration, and growth, nugget is formed in such a way.

此块狗头金为纯天然,重量为280克,为大形态不规则的自然金。This piece of nugget is pure natural, weighs 280 grams, large irregular natural gold.

论文还简要研究了块金值对搜索域范围的影响。The dissertation also briefly discusses how the nugget value affects on search domain.

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焊核区发生动态再结晶,生成细小的等轴晶粒。Dynamic recrystallization takes place in the weld nugget zone and fine grains are achieved.

后来送货人在萨特贸易站用这块金子买酒时走漏了风声。When the man later used the nugget to buy a drink back at "Fort Sutter, " the word was out.

我写这些是要告诉你们我在这场对话中所领会到的精彩,一些真正受用的东西。I’m here to tell you about a really cool nugget of awesome that I got from our conversation.