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但是,卖方也想卸下风险。But sellers want to offload their risk as well.

使用云计算环境来卸载主站的工作负载Using a cloud environment to offload main site workloads

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时间研究有助于确定需要的卸载平台的能力。Time studies help determine the offload table capacity needed.

德国安联和美国运通则料将急于变现其持有股份.Allianz and American Express are seen as keen to offload their shares.

因此,我们可以卸载复合OT的大部分工作到客户端上。Thus, we can offload most of the compound OT work onto the client side.

把静态或半静态内容放到Azure内容分发网络中Offload static or semi-static content to the Azure Content Delivery Network

在某些情况下,它们可以用来满足读取请求卸载主碎片。In some cases, they can also be used to satisfy read requests to offload the primary shard.

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马德里竞技队现在也在向阿森纳咨询这位西班牙门将的身价,以帮助枪手卸下重担。Atletico Madrid have also enquired as Arsenal look to offload the out-of-favour Spanish keeper.

利物浦准备出售安德烈-多塞纳为引进挪威前锋埃里克-胡斯克勒普筹集资金。Liverpool are ready to offload Andrea Dossena to fund a move for Norwegian forward Erik Huseklepp.

斑马军团会选择放弃特雷泽盖和卡莫拉内西,留下布冯,再签入托尼和巴扎利吗?Will the Bianconeri offload Trezeguet and Camoranesi to keep Buffon and to sign Toni and Barzagli?

对于从去年底就一直想甩掉沃尔沃这个包袱的福特来说,出售它将是一个解困的办法。A sale would be a relief to Ford, which has been trying to offload Volvo since the end of last year.

然而在适当的时间里,要保证零件被制造出来并正确地分类摆放在卸载平台并不容易。Ensuring parts are manufactured and sorted on the correct offload table at the right time isn’t easy.

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当你把自己交给铁路时,你在短期内推卸了一切责任,这真算得上一种大解放。In handing yourself over to the rail network, you offload all responsibility for your short-term future.

较小型飞机可以在两架大型飞机降落的间隙卸载,然后尽快离场。In between, the smaller aircraft offload and then leave as quickly as they can between the larger flights.

在奈及利亚首都拉哥斯的欧鲁索桑垃圾场,一辆辆卡车列队准备倾卸垃圾。Trucks line up to offload rubbish at Olusosun dump in Nigeria's teeming commercial capital Lagos, April 18, 2007.

通用汽车正寻求出售萨博,并正在向法庭申请类似美国风格的破产保护。GM is looking to offload Saab and is seeking court protection from creditors similar to a U. S. -style bankruptcy.

据悉,利物浦希望今夏能清洗鲍尔森,米兰·约万诺维奇和保罗·孔切斯基三名球员。Liverpool are expected to look to offload Poulsen and fellow flops Milan Jovanovic and Paul Konchesky in the summer.

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有传闻说,这位俱乐部转会负责人曾试图把这三员小将作为购买帕勒莫球星阿毛里的砝码。There had been speculation that the transfer chief was trying to offload the trio to Palermo in exchange for Amauri.

同时,利物浦俱乐部及主帅达格力什也希望能清洗一些球队中的边缘球员来为自己的阵容减负。Meanwhile, Liverpool appear set to offload a number of fringe players as Dalglish looks to trim the size of his squad.

皇马准备出售阿根廷前锋萨维奥拉,他自从来到伯纳乌没有给人留下什么什么深刻的印象。Real Madrid are ready to offload Argentinean striker Javier Saviola who failed to make any impact since coming to the Bernabeu.