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他们花时间在掷骰子赌博上。They spent time dicing.

把一把刀的刀刃切割成梳子状。Dicing a blade to a comb.

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我们在掷骰子赌喝酒。We are dicing for drinks.

这使对字节码的切片和切块变得容易。This makes slicing and dicing your bytecode easy.

以化学法使PETP废料再生成聚酯切片。Polyester dicing is reworked with waste PETP by chemical method.

切菜区域可直接用水冲刷,清洗方便。Dicing area can be washed by water directly and easily be cleaned up.

介绍了伺服系统在砂轮划片机中的应用情况。The application of a servo system in the ZSH5 dicing saw was introduced.

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一旦掌握了正确的方法,切起洋葱和红葱头来简直就是快如闪电。Once mastered, this method of dicing onions or shallots goes like lightning.

但是,这些文章都以不同的方式分解了问题。However, each publication has different ways of slicing and dicing the problem.

移动设备将推动专门的,分割好的,大量数据来满足人们的特殊需要。Mobile Devices will drive specialization, slicing and dicing rich data for their specific needs.

一些早期的丁和罗斯伯格之后在他的奔驰也拿出一个领先阿隆索和汉密尔顿。After some early dicing with Rosberg in his Mercedes Vettel pulled out a lead over Alonso and Hamilton.

切断、切片、切丁都需要尖利的刀锋,而使用专业的刀具时甚至需要有经验的大厨指导。Chopping, slicing, dicing with sharp, professional knives also needs some instruction from an experienced chef.

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孤注一掷与死作伴,渔民们通过蛇管呼吸,潜入深海寻觅残存的海底生物。Dicing with death, they breathe air pumped through hose pipes in a desperate bid to catch the last remaining sea life.

使用划片机来进行分割的时候,通常是速度和质量之间的选择,独立于技术。When using any dicing system to separate the die, it is the trade-off of quality and speed, independent of the technology.

研究结果表明,数十秒钟就可以完成超薄型切割砂轮的固化工艺和磨削砂轮的分层固化工艺。The research shows a thin dicing blade could be solidified within tens of second or a grinding wheel within several minutes.

本文以快速原型制造技术为基础,研究以光敏树脂作为结合剂的超薄金刚石切割砂轮片的快速制造技术。This paper studies a new method for developing resin bonded diamond ultrathin dicing blade based on rapid prototyping techniques.

砂轮划片机划切技术的研究和应用直接关系到设备应用的好坏。The research and application on dicing technology of wheel wafer dicer directly decides the relevant equipment application status.

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在OLAP的加工,切片和切割往往是演出沿着时间轴来分析发展趋势,并抽出时间为基础的模式中的数据。In OLAP processing, slicing and dicing is often performed along a time axis to analyze trends and find time-based patterns in the data.

基于已经安装的多光束激光划片系统,其显著的优点已经得到证实。Upon the installation of a multi beam laser dicing system, the obviously advantages of using such a laser dicing process become evident.

本论文对紫外激光应用于蓝宝石晶圆和碳化硅等材料的划切加工技术进行了部分理论与试验研究工作。In this paper, part of theoretical and experimental studies on the application of UV laser in dicing of sapphire wafer and SiC were presented.