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第一个TSI指数将于三月发布。The first TSI numbers will be released in March.

有没有关于如何使用TSI同步装置的实例?。Are there any examples on how to use the TSI Synchronizer?

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然而,货运的TSI已经在过去的四个月中的三个下降。However, the Freight TSI has declined in three of the past four months.

一九九九年举办纽西兰慈明寺第一届青年佛学营。In 1999, the first Buddhist Youth Camp was held at the tsi Ming Temple.

你的观点是正确的,整场战斗中吉野始终在追击济远而没有跑去攻击广乙。You are quite right in pointing out that Yoshino was always chasing the Tsi Yuen.

TSI同步装置只是部分,我承认,只是用来做与以前相同事情的另一种方法。The TSI Synchronizer is in part, I admit, just another way to do the same old things.

“缩减开支”的优势,大众TSI发动机成功的答案是“缩减开支”。The recipe for the success of Volkswagen 's TSI engines is to be found in "downsizing".

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这位25岁的中国小伙过去10年一直住在哈巴罗夫斯克,他是一家生意兴隆的中国餐厅的老板,在这个餐厅内,许多金发碧眼的俄罗斯服务员穿着中国传统服饰。Tsi owns a thriving Chinese restaurant, where blonde Russian waitresses wear Chinese dresses.

方伯谦可能被指责之处是一开始的操舰以及发生在济远的实际情况。What he could be faulted for was the initial maneuvres and the material condition of the Tsi Yuen.

这本书同时指出,在这样的绝对优势之下,为何吉野没有继续追击并击沉济远,是一个难解的谜题。Wright also pointed this out and said it was a mystery why Yoshino did not catch and sink the Tsi Yuen.

天然气发动机将使用大众的TSI技术,这意味着他们将有两个涡轮增压器和增压。The gas engines will use VW's TSI technology, which means they will feature both turbo and supercharging.

射程引擎包括三水厂增压直喷汽油的单位和两个TDI的引擎。The range of engines includes three TSI turbocharged direct injection gasoline units and two TDI engines.

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课程结束后,利用统计方法检验学生之英文成效及渠等对此师生互动模式之看法。At the end of the course, students' current level of English competence and students' views towards TSI were statistically examined.

上海技源科技有限公司系美国国际技源公司在中国的全资子公司。Shanghai TSI Science & Technology Co. , Ltd is a fully-owned subsidiary company of Technical Sourcing International, Inc. in the US.

采用8031单片机构成的9000系列主从分布式微机监控的TSI装置在国内尚属初次开发研制。The TSI device, type 9000, composed of chip processors type 8031 and monitored by a microprocessor is the first of its kir d developed in China.

TSI可发现尿毒症性心肌病收缩非协调性,对早期诊断有较好价值,为临床综合治疗提供理论依据。TSI can detect the ventricular systolic asynchrony in patients with uremic myocardiopathy and provide reliable parameters for clinical management.

经过理论方面的探讨和实验的仿真,最终得到了基于思维模式的太钢煤气混合站测控模型的总体构想。By theoretic research and experiment simulation, at last, obtained the construction of the gas station of TSI Corporation based on thinking method.

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如果你有自己的ODE授权或如果你用TSI同步装置分布它们,作为你的应用程序的部分,那么,就可以使用它们。These may only be used if you either have your own ODE license or if you are distributing them with the TSI Synchronizer as part of your application.

客户希望能在汽油发动机将提供了一个120马力的TSI股而柴油买家将有两个选择-一个105马力的单位和一个140马力的轧机。Customers wanting a gas engine will be offered a 120 horsepower TSI unit while diesel buyers will have two choices–a 105 horsepower unit and a 140 horsepower mill.

目前中国按价格合约购买铁矿石,这一合约是以美元计价和结算的,而且往往与铁矿石现货价格指数像TSI或Platts有关。China currently buys iron ore on pricing contracts that are denominated and settled in US dollars, and typically linked to iron ore spot price indexes like TSI or Platts.