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类似柽柳的一种欧亚灌木。Eurasian shrub resembling the tamarisk.

欧亚树种,有橙红色的浆果是的果实。Eurasian tree with orange-red berrylike fruits.

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欧亚树种,有橙红色的浆果似的果实。Eurasian tree with orange- red berrylike fruits.

亚欧带仍保持平静。The Eurasian seismic belt still remained in quiescence.

阿尔泰区域也是欧亚大陆上的死点。The Altai area is also dead center on the Eurasian continent.

欧亚大陆的貂,褐色皮毛,雄部和。Eurasian marten having a brown coat with pale breast and throat.

因其黑心的暗红色花朵而培育的欧亚草本植物。Eurasian herb cultivated for its dark- centered deep red flowers.

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欧亚草本植物,伞房花序末端开白色或淡紫色花。Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb.

长出红的或橘子红的浆果的欧亚的长青多刺灌木。Eurasian evergreen thorny shrubs bearing red or orange-red berries.

一种生于欧亚的兰花,花呈粉红色或紫色,成疏穗状花序。Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike.

欧亚报春花,花黄色,丛生于单侧。Eurasian primrose with yellow flowers clustered in a one-sided umbel.

在茂密的叶柄端部开猩红色花的一种欧亚多年生园林植物。Eurasian garden perennial having scarlet flowers in dense terminal heads.

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欧亚杂草开黄色淡紫色或白色花和承窝的果实。Eurasian weed having yellow or mauve or white flowers and podlike fruits.

阿拉山口为第二座亚欧大陆桥的重要铁路口岸。Pass for the second Eurasian continental bridge an important railway crossings.

欧亚大陆一种落叶乔木,有互生的单叶及白色或粉色的花朵。A deciduous Eurasian tree having alternate simple leaves and white or pink flowers.

欧亚病毒菌株在欧洲和亚洲很常见,但很少出现在北美。The Eurasian strain is generally found in Europe and Asia, rather than North America.

现年89岁的何鸿燊是拥有荷兰血统的欧亚混血儿,会讲葡萄牙语和广东话。Stanley Ho, 89. A Eurasian of Dutch extraction who speaks Portuguese and Cantonese, Mr.

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一离开师范学校,我们就进了孟加拉私立中学,一所英印混合的学校。On leaving the Normal School we were sent to the Bengal Academy, a Eurasian institution.

新疆位于中国西北部,地处亚欧大陆中心。Xinjiang is situated in the northwest of China and in the center of Eurasian continents.

阿斯托利亚家庭最初是一个中等家庭,生活在欧亚大陆。The Astoria family was originally a medium-sized family living in the Eurasian continent.