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出版哈尔伦纳德。Published by Hal Leonard.

她的译作得以出版。And she's getting it published.

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这本书是1990年出的。The book was published in 1990.

出版的时候他63岁。He was 63 when it was published.

这本书什么时候出版?When will the book be published?

路加发表了保罗的福音“Or Luke published Paul's gospel."

古腾堡圣经出版。The Gutenberg bible is published.

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这一本是朗文出版的。This one is published by Longman.

相继发表了两个重要的研究。Allis published two major studies.

这是一个从未公布的秘辛。It is an anecdote never published.

该期刊由生物医学出版中心出版。It is published by BioMed Central.

这一研究成果尚未发表。These results are yet to published.

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报上还从未登过我的照片呢。They've never published my picture.

蒂凡尼的早餐出版。Breakfast at Tiffany's is published.

此书在2007年由Hyperion出版。It was published by Hyperion in 2007.

临时等级分不公布。Provisional rating are not published.

发送一个发布插头的事件。Send an event for the published plug.

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这本书分两部出版。This book was published in two parts.

我欣喜若狂的发表了这个理论。And I published it with great delight.

他刚刚发表了他的第十本小说。He has just published his tenth novel.