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就无耻造谣之本事而论,你真算得上天下第一。For barefaced lying you are really it.

厚颜无耻的撒谎!最糟的假新闻。Barefaced bloody lie! Fake news at its worst.

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没有胡子的脸?不不,我的脸实际上是毛茸茸的。看!Barefaced?No no, this really is my hairy face –look!

一些政客会对选民说出许多公然露骨的谎言。Some politicians will tell their voters many barefaced lies.

最激烈的无政府主义者,居然成了最露骨的变节者。The most furious anarchist become the most barefaced apostate.

说在中国很少有自行车道是一个无耻的谎言。It is a barefaced lie to say there are few bike lanes in China.

不过,这是在公然挑战互联网的尊严。Nevertheless, this is the dignity in barefaced challenge Internet.

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嘴角悳笑带著露骨悳苍白。The angulus oris laughing at is bringing the barefaced pallor along.

那辆旧自行车要价如此之高真是无耻的敲诈。It's barefaced robbery asking such a high price for that old bicycle!

告诉朋友厚颜无耻的谎言,将会造成不良的关系。To tell a barefaced lie to your friends will create bad relationships.

露骨的姿态极度暧昧引人幻想无限。Barefaced attitude is exceeding and ambiguous fetching illusion is infinite.

两极相通。最激烈的无政府主义者,居然成了最露骨的变节者。Extremes meet. the most fur ious anarchist become the most barefaced apostate.

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整个社会充满着蛊惑人心的厚颜无耻的口号,到处是血腥的诺言。The whole society if filled with inflammatory, barefaced slogans. Bloody promises are everywhere.

选择做个公然说谎者或做个真正诚实的人,并找出谁是游戏里的骗子!Choose to be a barefaced liar or a truthful person and find out who is bluffing to stay in the game!

及“公然侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人”等情形。Reach " barefaced affront other is concoctive perhaps the fact is calumniatory other " wait for case.

后来女网友的言语却越来越露骨,尺度越聊越宽。The utterance of female later netizen is more and more barefaced however, measure jumps over Liao Yuekuan.

不要为了男生伤害女生,爱你的男生不会要你做这种龌龊的事。Don’t hurt a girl for the sake of your boy, the boy who love you must be disapprove of such barefaced thing.

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不要为了男生伤害女生,爱你的男生不会要你做这种龌龊的事。Don't hurt a girl for the sake of your boy, the boy who loves you must be disapprove of such barefaced thing.

不要为了男生伤害女生,爱你的男生不会要你做这种龌龊的事。Don't hurt a girl for the sake of your chap, the boy who love you have to be disapprove of such barefaced thing.

不过,这亦可能是他成长的家庭保守,家人不习惯公然表现亲热。Nevertheless, this also may be the family that he grows is guarded, family is unaccustomed barefaced expression is affectionate.