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把照片转过来对着墙。Turn the picture round to face thew all.

中午我们野餐并把垃圾扔到了垃圾箱。And then we thew the rubbish into the dustbin.

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拧紧出线嘴,盖上接线盖。Tighten thew offtrack and cover the connection cover.

顺便说一下,明天我要出差一个星期!By thew ay , tomorrow I will have evection for a week.

他不断地猛吸烟斗,那股劲真令人讨厌。It's so annoying, thew ay he keeps dragging on his pipe.

意为“大声争吵或争论”。Loud arguing or squabbling. Thew ord derives from argue.

初选通常的规律是选民们会纷纷涌向获胜的候选人。The usual rule in primaries is that voters flock to thew inning candidate.

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如果予以足够警惕,很有可能将一个有威胁的巨石推出原先的轨道。Given enough warning, it should be possible to push a threatening boulder out of thew ay.

如果译者在上述段落中使用“魔鬼”这个词都是愚蠢的。It would have been foolish for the translators to use thew ord "devil" in either passage.

从此,“娜拉出走”成为20世纪中国女性觉醒并寻求自身解放的必由之路。From this time on, "Nora left" becomes 20th century China females to awaken and to seek own liberation thew.

行政复议决定书一经送达,即发生法律效力。Once thew written administrative reconsideration decision is served, the decision is instantly legally effective.

泰国Thew由十名泰国国家队或国家青年队队员和两名美国球员组成。THAILAND THEW is composed of 10 national team or national youth team players and additional two American players.

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但早在250年前,传道人马太·亨利就用这句话来评论另一位诗人亚萨的歌词。But preacher Mat thew Henry used the phrase 250 years ago when commenting on the lyrics of another songwriter, Asaph.

坐在图形模糊边缘的纸棒挥舞者确定了自己“应该”处的位置,使“5”字显得更加清晰。Thew and-wavers on the fuzzy edge of the figure decide what side they "should" be on, and the emerging "5" sharpens up.

穿孔粉末涂层金属栏杆代替了木质老旧的栏杆。Thew new perforated, powder-coated metal balustrades replace the old wooden ones and are fixed in a fluit curvy manner.

世界货币基金组织主席多米尼克。斯特劳斯-卡恩说,真正的问题是在未来几年将可能出现粮食不足。I. M. F. chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said thew real problem is a food deficit which were will probably last four for years.

问题在于目前具有压迫性的中国并不像美国和西方那样培养创新的环境。The problem lies in the present oppressive chinese government which does not foster an environment for innovation like US and thew wset does.

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主要论述了迈尔兹双膛竖窑的生产工艺及在转化设计中对外方图纸设计不当处的改进。Introduces the process principles of 500 t MAERZ lime kiln, and thew riter modified the some improper designs on foreign drawing during designing.

所以,要从图象特征上研究苏州版画的表现特点,将版画描绘与实景对照来揭示是一种有效的方法。We have to study the expressing characters of Suzhou woodcut from its image characters, and it is an effective way to compare the depiction in thew.

遥感测深技术是河口、海岸及其他水体的水深测量的一种新方法,运用该技术可以快速、准确地获取大范围的水下地形信息。Remotely sensed bathymetric technology has a wide application for thew ater-depth measurement in a co ast al zone, an estuary and other water bodies of different types.