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在游泳中他没有游出他的最高水平。He had not swum his best.

你们在黑海中游泳了吗?Have you swum in the Black Sea?

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你有在海里游泳过吗?Have you ever swum in the ocean?

肉一直浸泡在浓汁中。The meat is being swum in gravy.

他曾和他们一道游泳、划船。He had swum and boated with them.

你本不应该在那片海里游泳。You shouldn't have swum in that sea.

自从1980年,我就每天早上游泳。I have swum every morning since 1980.

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时常有人游过英吉利海峡。The English Channel has often been swum.

你曾经在海里畅泳,感受夏天时海水的凉快冰爽吗?Did you ever swum in the sea to felt the sea water cool?

当快艇又转了一圈后,他们游出了危险区吗?Had they swum out of danger when the boat again completed a circle?

一旦你尝试过裸泳,你就不会再想穿游泳衣了。Once you have swum in the nude you don't want to swim clothed again.

蝶泳出现于1933年,是竞技游泳的几种泳姿中最新的一种。It is the newest swimming style swum in competition, first swum in 1933.

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在来自于加拿大的游泳选手赶上她之前,她已经游完第一圈了。She had swum the first lap before the swimmer from Canada caught up with her.

据说黛比·哈特还是个姑娘时曾经横渡过英吉利海峡。Debbie Hart is said to have swum across the English Channel when she was a girl.

撤退时我有一半时间是步行的,后来还在塔利亚门托河上游了一段,多亏他这膝盖。I had done half the retreat on foot and swum part of the Tagliamento with his knee.

原先跟随着夸安提尔的那些人也跟争吵中的祭司们保持很远的距离。The men who'd swum with Quaanteel stayed well away from the quarreling priestesses.

路过的,游过的,老少爷们,姑娘媳妇,给俺狠狠踩上一脚。Transient, having swum , old young masters, girl's wife, step on a kick ruthlessly for me!

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嗯。这是个好问题,我已经两年没游泳了,我想我要多练习。Well, that's a good quesion. I haven't swum for almost two years. I think I need more practice.

现年37岁的普准备在零下1.8摄氏度的冰河中游泳,这也是人类挑战的最低游泳水温。The 37-year-old will brave temperatures of minus 1.8C, the coldest waters a human has ever swum in.

我们与爱人、家族一同魂归天国,我们嘴里都有对方的味道,我们曾经灵欲合一,在爱河里畅游。We die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we've entered and swum up like rivers.