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奇迹“何曾终止过?Do miracles never cease?

经历者能停止吗?Can the experiencer cease?

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我是什么时候停止存在的?When did I cease to exist?

希望不停地唱下去,直到死亡。Hoping to cease not till death.

你停止你自己的活动。You cease from your own doings.

抑或摩托罗拉移动风险投资将不复存在?Or will MMV just cease to exist.

由于恐惧,她停止了哭泣。The shock made her cease weeping.

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世人向尘寰告别的时刻?The hour when man must cease to be?

你没有停止给我惊喜,路易。You never cease to amaze me, Louie.

世人向尘寰告别的时刻?Thee hour when man must cease to be?

布兰妮,你永远不会停止给我带来惊喜。Brittney, you never cease to amaze me.

天下之大,无奇不有。In the great world wonders never cease.

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他们走近了,在门口停住了。Nearer they come, cease at the doorway.

就在这午夜无痛无苦地弃世To cease upon the midnight with no pain

这两个国家何时会休兵?When will the two countries cease fire?

生命不止,奋斗不息。Cease to struggle and you cease to live.

阵营订了停火的协定。The two camps made a bargain to cease fire.

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生命不止,奋斗不息。Cease to the struggle and cease to the life.

不息的轰隆似愤怒老母。Cease not your moaning you fierce old mother.

当肉体消亡时,我就不作为人存在了。When the body breaks,I cease to exist as a person.