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国外需求很旺盛,按所提供价格出价,勿失良机。Overseas demand brisk lose no chemise make bid at suggest level.

她也只穿一件衬衫和一条针织的裙,裙上补了好几块旧呢布。She, too, was clad only in a chemise and a knitted petticoat patched with bits of old cloth.

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舒适,填充衬裙与脊椎频道额外的后台支持和PE表的背面板上。Comfortable, padded Chemise back panel with Spine Channel and PE sheet for extra back support.

代理法国拉科斯特衬衫股份有限公司,起诉新加坡鳄鱼国际私人有限公司商标侵权案。Representing la chemise lacoste france sue hong kong crocodile garment ltd. for trademark infringement.

虽然穿起来要比其他大部分的衣服都来得舒适,女工无袖衬衫还是以不成样子而被取笑。Though more comfortable than most other dresses, the chemise has often been ridiculed for its shapelessness.

接着他花了几分钟把身上穿的那件女人衬衫的下摆塞进裤腰。Then he spent several minutes in tucking the lower part of the woman's chemise which he wore into his trousers.

她推开披肩,让她两只肩膀暴露出来,还显出她的衬衫上面一大束金合欢。She had thrown her mantilla back, to show her shoulders, and a great bunch of acacia that was thrust into her chemise.

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这时他要是看看她,会发现她显得多么迷人,也许他脸上那副吓人的表情就会消失。If only he would look at her and see how nice she looked in her chemise , perhaps that frightening look would leave his face.

性感蕾丝长裙,后绑带大露背设计,浪漫的提花,侧高开叉,优雅而不失性感!This sexy and sophisticated, floral lace, white long chemise with keyhole front cut out and high side slit is romantic and elegant.

即使有了这种照顾,修女们在九月十四日穿上那种衬衫,也得发上三四天烧。Even with this palliation, when the nuns put on this chemise on the 14th of September, they suffer from fever for three or four days.

棉布,是各类棉纺织品的总称。它多用来制作时装、休闲装、内衣衬衣。Cutton, the general name of all kinds of Manchester goods. it is used to produce fashionable dress, casual dress, underwear and chemise.

她把衬衣提上肩头,向马吕斯深深行了个礼,接着又作了个亲昵的手势,转身朝房门走去,一面说道She pulled her chemise up on her shoulders, made a low bow to Marius, then a familiar sign with her hand, and went towards the door, saying

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站在我旁边的,是一位叫人心慌意乱的金发女郎,她黑色衬衫下的躯体凸凹有致,足以诱使一个童子军男孩兽性大发。Standing next to me was a nerve-shattering blonde, who waxed and waned under a black chemise with enough provocation to induce lycanthropy in a Boy Scout.

这款内衣以桃粉色打底,布满优雅的黑色玫瑰印花,以性感可爱的蕾丝花边装饰。Mimi Holliday Privee Dusty Peach Printed Short ChemiseThe Privee chemise from Mimi Holliday features an elegant rose print and is finished with black lace.

其中有一缕头发,有玛丽·安托瓦内特在狱中穿着的衬衣,还有她的袖珍祈祷书,玛丽曾把给自己孩子们的最后留言夹在书页里。There is a lock of hair, the chemise Marie- Antoinette wore in the Temple prison, and the tiny prayer book in which she penned a final message to her children.