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同素逆序借代词大多数属于并列式结构,以名词居多。They are mostly parataxis and most of them are nouns.

第三章讨论形合和意合在英汉和汉英翻译中的应用。The relativity of hypotaxis and parataxis is also discussed in this chapter.

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英汉互译时,要进行形合与意合的转换。So, translation should undergo transformation between hypotaxis and parataxis.

语篇的形合与意合是英汉语言之间最明显的区别特征。The evident difference between English and Chinese is hypotaxis and parataxis.

有关形合与意合的实例在文学作品中也几乎随处可见。The use of hypotaxis and parataxis can be found almost everywhere in literature.

第三章论述英汉语中形合与意合的相对性。Chapter 3 discusses the relativity of hypotaxis and parataxis in English and Chinese.

本文从形合意合角度对英汉两种语言进行了对比。In this article we compare English and Chinese from the point of hypotaxis and parataxis.

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形合与意合是俄汉语复合句共有的语法现象。Hypotaxis and parataxis are grammatical features both in Russian and Chinese compound sentences.

片段不仅被与其它片段分割开,甚至在每个片段的并列领域也是如此。Not only is the fragment cut off from its neighbors, but even within each fragment parataxis reigns.

第二章着重分析英语的形合性与汉语的意合性。Chapter 2 is focused on the hypotaxis-prominence in English and the parataxis -prominence in Chinese.

目前翻译的研究集中在形合与意合以及直译与意译的争论。Current studies of translation focus on the argument of hypotaxis vs. parataxis and literal translation vs.

尤其是对于汉语这种意合性很强的语言来说,语义是诸多语言现象的内在动因。Especially for the Chinese with heavy parataxis nature, the semantic is the internal factors in various language phenomenon.

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意合与形合是两种语言不同的组织特点,各有其深厚的文化传统。Parataxis and hypotaxis are two Languages' different organizational characteristics and have their profound cultural tradition.

蜗牛与鱼翅、干贝、鲍鱼并列为世界四大名菜,风行于国际市场。Snail, Fim, Dry shellfish and abalone are four famous dishes in parataxis in the world and popular in the international market.

本文旨在引用商务英语的例句对英语形合和汉语意合进行对比研究。This paper, in business English context, aims to carry out a contrastive study on hypotaxis in English and parataxis in Chinese.

译诗就是用不同的语言移植诗中的意境并同时达到形合和意合这两个目的。Poem translation is to report the artistic conception oft he poem in different languages and succeeds in hypotaxis and parataxis.

意合国际贸易有限公司是在香港注册的一家国际贸易服务公司。Parataxis International Trade Co. , Ltd. Parataxis International Trade Co. , Ltd. is registered in Hong Kong an international trade service company.

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本文从形合及意合的角度对英语和汉语两种语言进行了对比并探讨了形合与意合在英汉翻译中的应用。This paper compares English and Chinese in terms of hypotaxis and parataxis and explores its implications for translation between the two languages.

词语衔接、句式衔接、辞格衔接和意合式的衔接是汉语篇章中主要的衔接方式。Lexical cohesion, cohesion of sentence pattern, cohesion of rhetoric figure and parataxis cohesion are the main cohesive device of Chinese discourse.

对每个环节的冗余进行了展开分析,对完全并列的热备用冗余和互相交叉的热备用冗余的优缺点进行了比较。Redundant systems of each element are analyzed comprehensively, and the fully parataxis hot standby redundancy and cross-standby redundancy are compared.