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没了政府撑腰,私人企业掏起钱来心不甘情不愿。Without strong government backing, the private sector was loth to fork out.

但他同样也不情愿那片失败的领土落入基地组织的手中。But equally he is plainly loth to let that failed state slide further into the domain of al-Qaeda.

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劳动力短缺可能会推高工资成本,因而各公司将失去投资建设新工厂的热情。A shortage of workers might push up wage costs, but companies will be loth to invest in new factories.

如果他真能当选,扎尔达里可能不会爽快的削减总统的权力了,尽管他曾发誓如此。In that case, Mr Zardari might be loth to dilute the president’s powers first-though he has sworn to do so.

普什图人组成了全国最大的宗教团体,同时掌握着多数反抗者,但他们不愿签约受到雇佣。Pushtuns, members of the country's largest ethnic group, to which most insurgents belong, are loth to sign up.

现在中国正面临一个两难的局面----必须在朝韩之间作出选择,这是中国所不愿的。China now finds itself in the awkward position of having to pick sides between the Koreas, which it is loth to do.

系统开发成功后被应用于十运会举行期间的交通管理,取得了良好的效果。The system has been applied to the traffic management during the lOth national games of China, and achieved good results.

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援助游说集团常常高高的捧起他们,却不愿承认他们证明能让援助发挥效用的领导人的缺陷。Too often the aid lobbies have cheered them on, loth to acknowledge the flaws in people they need to prove that aid works.

据北流咨询公司的本格特•诺德斯特姆称,在2009年拉吉夫•苏瑞担任诺西的老板以前,诺西根本不愿意开打价格战。NSN was loth to compete on prices before Rajeev Suri became its boss in 2009, says Bengt Nordstrom of Northstream, a consulting firm.

欧央行也不愿意购买国债脏了自己的手,虽然银行得到了央行的大量现金,聪明地成了这样低风险资产的持有者。The ECB is also loth to soil its hands with public debt, though banks flush with central-bank cash are keen buyers of such low-risk assets.

不过,尽管房屋已经不再,这些人还是不愿离开,对祖先的不舍让他们想要守住这个曾经生活的家园。But even those whose houses have been destroyed by the tsunami are loth to leave—these are ancestral plots that are meant to stay in the family.

然而,依靠恐吓手段巩固政权的他并不愿承认自己已经雄风不再,所以也就任由毁灭性的制裁无休无止地进行下去。Yet having built his power on fear, he was loth to admit that he had been de-clawed, and so allowed the interminable and ruinous saga of sanctions to continue.

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由于联邦法院不愿重新审理州法院判决存在问题的案件,很多案子和贵格案一样,大卫·道找到他的当事人时已然太迟。As in the Quaker case, Mr Dow generally gets to his clients too late, because the federal courts are loth to go back over the problematic trials of the state courts.

其中,一个显然是不愿意办理非法移民案件,一个则拒绝在死刑问题上听命,而选举舞弊案已经有了确凿的证据。One was apparently loth to pursue illegal-immigration cases. Another refused to toe the line on the death penalty. And the voting-fraud cases involved credible evidence.

几年前,三分之一的东京人投票说他们甚至不知道还有一个地震预警系统,政府则不愿意测试,以防导致恐慌。One third of Tokyoites polled some years ago said they did not even know an earthquake-warning system existed, and the government is loth to test it for fear of causing alarm.