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堆栈,堆栈。Stack. Stack.

把它们堆起来!Stack them up!

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他藏在干草垛里。He hid in the hay stack.

形成了二氧化碳。Goes up the stack as CO2.

大卫劈一堆柴火。David split a stack of logs.

这辆卡车能装三堆。The truck could stack three.

非执行的堆栈防御。Non-executing stack defenses.

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他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。He placed his books in a neat stack.

那是蒂姆一堆锡制的图钉。That is Tim's stack of tin thumbtacks.

这个是在堆栈中的主字符串。This is main string here on the stack.

我桌上有一堆文件正待我去处理。A stack of files awaited me on my desk.

目前的情况总起来说就是这样。This is how things stack up at present.

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最终,堆和栈会冲突。Eventually, stack and heap will collide.

你能叠加和连接协同程序。You can both stack and chain coroutines.

这种照片数量占了这堆照片的一半。That nearly halved the stack right there!

我家有一大堆笔套与笔身不配套的笔。The stack of mismatched pens in my house.

你的卡片,也盖成高塔了吗?Do you have a stack of greeting cards too?

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海伊施塔克和桃子采摘的汽车。Hay stack and automobile of peach pickers.

他看到房间里有一堆迭着的纸盒。He saw a stack of paper boxes in the room.

最后一个紫色的段是堆栈。The last segment, in purple, is the Stack.