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中国人传统上用八仙桌。Chinese traditionally use square table.

印度是一个传统的饮茶的国家。India is traditionally a tea-drinking country.

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但对于男人,离婚向来很容易。" But for men, divorce has been traditionally easy.

毕竟,中国传统上是一个佛教国家。After all, China is traditionally a Buddhist country.

传统上,滑动体都是按竖向条分的。Sliding mass is traditionally divided by vertical slice.

贝弗利朱伯特说,传统上狮子不喜欢下水。And lions, Beverly Joubert says, traditionally hate water.

传统上,这些舞会是受到庙宇的资助。Traditionally these dances were patronized by the temples.

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传统上,母亲们留在家里照看孩子。Mothers have traditionally stayed home with their children.

坎巴人与马赛人传统上都穿着红色衣服。Both Kamba and Maasai people traditionally wear red clothing.

长头发在传统上被认为是娇滴滴的象征。Long hair was traditionally regarded as a sign of femininity.

〈启示录〉传统上也认为是他的作品。The Book of Revelation was also traditionally assigned to him.

他们遵循一个传统上建立肖像画类型。They followed a traditionally established iconographical type.

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在传统上,新娘花束时儿女满堂的象征。The bridal bouquet has traditionally been a symbol of fertility.

这个集市是传统的贸易场所。The marketplace was where commerce was traditionally carried on.

白葡萄酒的制造传统上是无需葡萄皮的。White wine traditionally is made without the use of grape skins.

就好像把传统的西装夹克So it's kind of like taking it traditionally like suit jacket and

传统的母亲节是一个大的“花与巧克力节”。Traditionally Mothers Day is the big "Flowers and Chocolate" day.

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犹太人过以逾越节家宴来庆祝逾越节。Jews traditionally observe Passover with a feast known as a Seder.

传统上把意义的基本成分称为词素。The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.

浙江省在传统上被称为“鱼米之乡”。The province is traditionally known as the "Land of Fish and Rice".