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我会批判他们I'm going to criticize them.

我算老几,哪有资格去批评人?。Who am I to criticize others?

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而我们批评当代社会。We criticize the current society.

如今他恬不知耻去批评你Now he's got nerve just to criticize

他不敢坦率地批评他的妻子。He daren't criticize his wife frankly.

因为没有批判和吹牛的必要。There is no need to criticize or brag.

我们学习了怎样评论诗歌。We were taught how to criticize poems.

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批评亵渎外士那瓦。To blaspheme or criticize the Vaisnavas.

中国网民指责菲律宾对马尼拉人质绑架危机的应对措施China’s Netizens Criticize Crisis Response

他们认为不批评他是明智的。They co ider it wise not to criticize him.

我们将继续批评这一行为。We will continue to criticize that action.

并最后一个去批评失败了的同事。The last to criticize a colleague who fails.

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因此,绝没有人会批评他们不孝及无情。No one would criticize them ruthless or impious.

帕布罗,他就会变得非常粗暴。If you criticize Pablo, he becomes very abrasive.

如果你想要评判一个宗教,那么写本书吧。If you want to criticize a religion, write a book.

您愿意阅读并评论一下我的新小说吗?Would you like to read and criticize my new novel?

不要当众批评他人。Four, do not criticize the other person publically.

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对旧世界的描述,很容易以批评的态度出现。We often criticize the old world when describing it.

你批评他,他总有说头儿。Whenever you criticize him , he always has an excuse.

批判追求名利的思想。Criticize the ideology of going after fame and wealth.