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他是一位正牌的教育家。He is a card-carrying educator.

因此,邹衡先生也是一位考古教育家。Mr. Zou is an Archaeology Educator.

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美籍匈牙利钢琴家,教育家。Hungarian-American pianist and educator.

吴雁南是贵州著名的教育家。Wu yannan is a famous educator in Guizhou.

柏拉图教育推动者的形象也显现出来了。where Plato's image as an educator drives.

贺绿汀是一位杰出的音乐教育家。He Lv-ting is an outstanding music educator.

他是一位老师,也像是一位教育者。He is a teacher and a kind of educator as well.

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她父亲是教育家兼社会改革家。Her father was an educator and social reformer.

另一个条出路就是成为教育工作者或社会工作者。Another is to become an educator or a social worker.

但是,这不应该是教育家的责任。But that responsibility shouldn't rest on the educator.

马融是我国东汉时期著名的教育家。Marong was a famous educator in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

我国教育家陶行知认为生活即教育。China educator Tao Xingzhi thinks that life is education.

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她任校长前是一位卓越的教育家。Her precursor as school principal was an eminent educator.

皮姆斯勒博士是一位有着二十多年经验的语言教育者。Dr. Pimsleur was a language educator for more than 20 years.

苏霍姆林斯基是前苏联一位伟大的教育家。Sukhomlynsky is a great educator of the former Soviet Union.

科南特是美国著名科学家、外交家和教育家。Conant is a famous American scientist, diplomat and educator.

李叔同是我国近代著名的启蒙音乐教育家。Li Shutong is an illuminative music educator in modern China.

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教育家定出了分配给他的局部的位置.The educator located the local location allocated to him.

欧文·白壁德是美国著名的文学评论家、教育家。Irving Babbitt is a well-known literature critic and educator.

克里希那穆提是一位宗教哲学家、作家和教育家。Krishnamurti is a religious philosopher, author, and educator.