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上图是一副1835年的平板画,画中的是红夹克酋长,一位美洲原住民塞内卡族酋长。a Native American Seneca chief.

如你能善利用人生,生命是长的。辛尼加。Life is long if you know how to use it. -L. Seneca.

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五名妇女聚集在纽约州北部的塞尼卡福尔斯。Five women were meeting in Seneca Falls in upstate New York.

我们可比较西塞禄跟晚期的西尼卡或马苦士。One can compare Cicero to the later Seneca or Marcu Aurelius.

第一章,塞涅卡三论的历史背景。Chapter I, the historical background of Seneca"s three essays."

我希望通过在圣力嘉学院的学习,改变我的人生。I hope through my study in Seneca College, my life will change.

塞涅卡是一个对中白葡萄浆果椭圆形大小的簇。Seneca is a white grape with oval berries on medium-sized clusters.

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现在已经有地图标明的攀登路线近四百条。Now there are almost four hundred mapped ways to climb Seneca Rocks.

塞内加,是一世纪最著名的斯多葛派哲学家之一。But Seneca was one of the most famous first century Stoic philosophers.

引自塞内加超过我们所用的就是超过我们的需要,因而对于拥有人就是负担。Seneca More than we use is more than we need, and only a burden to the bearer.

例如,艺术家玛丽瓦,一塞内卡印度,回收布料缝在一起。For example, artist Marie Watt, a Seneca Indian, sews together recycled fabric.

州长德·威特·克林顿和他的妻子乘坐一艘名叫“塞内卡首领”的驳船离开了布法罗。Governor De Witt Clinton and his wife left Buffalo on a barge called the Seneca Chief.

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塞内卡笔下对比赛的描写,与如今的午后足球赛相差无几。What Seneca wrote of a day at the games is as true today of an afternoon at a football match.

美国纽约州中西部一座城市,位于西拉库斯西南偏西的塞内加湖北端。A city of west-central New York at the northern end of Seneca Lake west-southwest of Syracuse.

该酒厂矗立在塞内卡湖边山坡上的的拥有百年历史的葡萄园里,就像一条优美的白线。which juts like a sleek white liner among 100-year-old vineyards on a hillside above Seneca Lake. Mr.

多年后有人写了那些信,塞内加写信给保罗说,“你真是一个伟大的哲人,保罗。Somebody wrote letters years later which Seneca writes to Paul and says, you are such a great philosopher Paul.

只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。塞内加问。Ass long as the continuous efforts, unremitting struggle, there is no things that can not be conquered. -- Seneca.

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古希腊罗马的许多作家,包括柏拉图、亚里士多德、欧里庇德斯、西塞罗、塞内加等都对此深入不疑。Many great ancient writers, including Plato, Aristotle, Euripides, Cicero, Seneca and others had this false belief.

今年以来,尼克就因为向另一名学生投掷椅子和不尊重教师,被塞内卡高中勒令停课两次。This year, Nick was suspended twice for throwing a chair at another student and disrespecting teachers at Seneca High.

塞内卡族已经发起了反对对美国土著人产品征税的斗争,声称条约表明不应当对他们征税。The Seneca Nation has led the fight against taxing of Native American products, saying treaties stated they would not be taxed.