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这是一个小男孩的顺口溜。This is a boy's rhyme.

他即席作了韵诗。He improvised in rhyme.

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你能给这首小诗起个名字么?Can you name this rhyme?

绝句和断章。Rhyme and broken chapter.

认识他,通过他的童谣。Knew him by his nurs'ry rhyme.

是什么激发了我多情的诗篇?What inspired this amorous rhyme?

这是一支大家都很熟悉的童谣。This is a well-known nursery rhyme.

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当旋律没有音色还会因何存系?What use is the rhyme with no tone?

你不能用“sleep”和“feet”押韵。You can't rhyme “sleep”with “feet”.

现在就让我们来学一首儿歌。At last, let's learn to say a rhyme.

原韵可以在这里找到。The original rhyme can be found here.

还有香艳美人们古老的颂咏。And beauty making beautiful old rhyme.

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他常常以作诗消磨长夜。He would rhyme away the long evenings.

喜欢用方言甚于大气的全韵prefer slant to the gong of full rhyme

少女,快阅读这天然的华章。Maiden, that read'st this simple rhyme.

轻盈的宽叶子有节奏地闪烁摇摆。Gay Broad leaves shone and swung in rhyme.

诗韵之于诗歌犹如“文”之于“言”。The rhyme is more important to the poetry.

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用无数诗意的辞藻轻呼他名字Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme

引导齐说小诗,教师在黑板画一个大爱心。Do you love your family? Let's say a rhyme.

谁散了笛声韵在那里胡乱地涂抹。Who is the flute rhyme where casually daub.