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加利亚是卓越的飞行员和灵巧的战士。Gallia was a superb pilot and skillful warrior.

加利亚是一位身材高挑匀称的人类女性。Gallia was a tall human female with a trim build.

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这是唯一已知的,幸存的参考女神高卢。This is the only known, surviving reference to the goddess Gallia.

随着格里弗斯的手臂完全分开进入战斗模式,他压倒了加利亚。With his arms fully separated into combat mode, Grievous overpowered Gallia.

加利亚在委员会任职期间,绝地大师奎-冈·金提出训练阿纳金·天行者。Gallia served on the Council when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn presented Anakin Skywalker to be trained.

跟大多数绝地不同,手握光剑时,加利亚采用非正统的姿势——单手反向持剑。Unlike most Jedi, Gallia adopted an unorthodox reverse one-handed grip when wielding her lightsaber.

当绝地大师金魁刚带安纳金‧天行者来接受训练的时候,葛莉雅正在绝地议会中服役。Gallia served on the Council when Jedi Master Qui -Gon Jinn presented Anakin Skywalker to be trained.

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在共和国日渐衰微的岁月里,绝地大师阿迪·加利亚是武士团高级委员会的成员。Jedi Master Adi Gallia was a member of the order's High Council during the waning days of the Republic.

克隆人战争期间,阿迪·加利亚经常驾驶绝地星际战斗机执行任务,保卫共和国的利益。During the Clone Wars, Adi Gallia often flew a Jedi starfighter on missions to protect Republic interests.

普罗旺斯曾是罗马高卢纳尔榜南西斯的一部分。当罗马帝国在5世纪末期崩溃后。Provence was part of Roman Gallia Narbonensis. With the breakdown of the Roman Empire in the late 5th century.

在一次寻找分离势力指挥官阿萨吉·文崔斯的任务中,加利亚与奥加纳登上共和国歼星舰“干涉号”。Gallia was with Organa aboard the Republic Star Destroyer Intervention during a mission to find Separatist Commander Asajj Ventress.

虽然加利亚自己成绩斐然,才智过人,但她的学徒西丽·塔奇的功绩更让她引以为傲。Although her own record of accomplishments and talents was impressive, Gallia took great pride in the actions of her apprentice, Siri Tachi.