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集群发送器通道。Cluster sender channel.

如何引导?How do they channel it?

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方今8频道播什么节目?Whatis on Channel 8 now?

我喜欢体育频道。I like the sports channel.

其中没有通道对应的节。There is no channel stanza.

我们换一个频道,好吗?Shall we change the channel?

电影频道是哪一个呢?Which is the movie channel ?

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沉船残骸堵塞了航道。Wreckage filled the channel.

语音通道处理器?。VCP? Voice Channel Processor?

视频信道,电视频道?。VFC? Video Frequency Channel?

音频信道?。VFC? Voice Frequency Channel?

请订阅本频道。Please subscribe this channel.

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哪个频道放电影?。Which channel is the movie on?

发现于英吉利海峡附近。Found near the channel islands.

航道有浮标表示。The channel is marked by buoys.

这条水道在这里变浅了。The channel shallows just here.

垂直通道计算机?。VCC? Vertical Channel Computer?

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你会一直换频道吗?Do you change the channel a lot?

修复频道创造。Fixed Homebrew Channel creation.

游过英吉利海峡。Swim across the English Channel.