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叮咚!我们再来一次吧。Ding Dong ! Here we go again.

我在哪儿可以找到丁岱晗?Where can I find Ding Daihan?

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因为这位厨师姓丁。Because the chef's name was Ding.

他们极力把苍蝇赶出去。They tried to ding out the flies.

大臣丁鸿就是其中的一个。Minister Ding Hong is one of them.

尾巴不应该摇得太响了?Tail should not ding dong too much?

许文强与丁力摊牌决裂。Xu Wenqiang and Ding showdown break.

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水氯酊对青春痘疗效怎么样?。Ding right whelk curative effect how?

张鼎,1980年生于甘肃,居住并工作在上海。Zhang Ding was born in 1980 in Gansu.

顶门须更下金槌。Ding Men should be more golden hammer.

我叫丁研研把窗户打开。I told Ding Yanyan to open the window.

我们并不想反复地跟他们讲罚款。We don’t want to ding them with fines.

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丁晓兵总是帮助别人。Ding Xiaobing is always helping others.

丁磊在湖州的养猪场?Is Ding Lei in the hoggery of lake city?

一生一世,爱你还爱你,丁祉祺。Life, love you still love you, man ding.

这场比赛中丁松发球直接得了许多分。And Ding Song got many aces in the match.

叮零零。上课了。你迟到了。Ding Lingling. Class begins. You're late.

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我正想出言挽回时,丁宇却开口了。I just want to say it, but Ding Yu spoke.

“不仅我一个胖小孩”,丁薇解释道。"I am not yet a fat kid," Ding explained.

定窑还有北定、南定之分。Ding also north and south will be divided.