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蔼—一个迷人的女子。Ah--a charming woman.

啊——一个迷人的女子。Ah--a charming woman.

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那孩子,他是那样惹人爱。He is a charming child!

她有着媚人的神态。She has charming manner.

她具有媚人的风姿。She has charming manners.

她的微笑如此迷人。Her smiles are so charming.

等待白马王子?Waiting for Prince Charming?

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我们都认为她长得媚人。We all thought her charming.

这小女孩真逗人喜欢。She's a charming little girl.

她是一个迷人的年轻女士。She is a charming young lady.?

在捷运上的你是如此迷人。You're so charming on the MRT.

而且有我迷人的酒窝…And has got my charming dimple.

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我觉得他和蔼可亲,富有魅力。I found his amiability charming.

呵,这醉人的春夜!Ah, what a charming spring night!

但是,我的白马王子在哪里啊?But, where is my Prince Charming?

胡里是充满魅力的王国。Foxy is full of charming kingdom.

哪里还有妩媚的春色?Where there is a charming spring?

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前不久,于一个令人心醉的美梦。Not long ago, in a charming dream.

她是个可爱的傻丫头。She is a scatty but charming girl.

她在聚会上故作媚态。She is being charming at the party.