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这就是所谓的王政复辟。It was called the Restoration.

然而,恢复计划没有到此为止。Yet restoration plans don't stop there.

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因此,对旧电影的修复迫在眉睫。So, the restoration of old movies is urgent.

医生,那么要用什么药补上?What type of restoration do you use, Doctor?

重整荣耀恢复的下一波行动。Realigning the Next Move of Glory Restoration.

他成了复辟王朝的忠实走卒。He became a faithful restoration dynasty pawns.

“我们真正需要的是重建神学”。What we need now is the theology of restoration.

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您还可以控制对象的恢复。You have control over the restoration of objects.

全停后的恢复通俗地可称为黑起动。The system restoration is also called black start.

美国环境保护局发布海湾海岸恢复计划E.P.A. Panel Issues Plan for Gulf Coast Restoration

始终在域级别执行备份和恢复。Always perform a domain level backup and restoration.

爱的重建的圣经原则。II. The biblical principles on the restoration of love.

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这些兵佣有待出土、修复。These armored figures await excavation and restoration.

FJ40陆地巡洋舰恢复和配件。Restoration of the FJ40 Land Cruiser, "and" accessories.

而C组股骨头骨坏死有部分修复。However, osteonecrosis had partial restoration in Group C.

以美术品原作为依据,进行科学的复原制作。To art as a basis, undertake scientific restoration productions.

从植入植体到最终赝复可能需要3至4个月。Implant placement to final restoration possible in 3 to 4 months.

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他们打败了张勋,结束了这场复辟丑剧。They defeated Zhang Xun and put on end to this restoration farce.

在数字图像复原领域,什么是移位不变模糊了呢?In digital image restoration field, what is shift-invariant blurs?

修复城堡花了一年时间和大量的钱。The restoration to the castle took a year and cost a lot of money.