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阳台是日光浴和进餐的完美地点。The lanai is perfect for sunbathing and dining.

一位友善的店老板建议我走访拉奈岛上的船难海滩。A friendly shopkeeper suggests I explore Lanai 's Shipwreck Beach.

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她立刻走出去并打开了凉台的门,放飞蛾自由。She quickly walked and opened the lanai door and set the moth free.

额外的房间包括一贝伊夫隆拉奈和温暖,木质嵌板图书馆。Additional rooms include a bay front Lanai and a warm, wood paneled Library.

您也可以在一个一天渡轮从毛伊岛的凉台和背部。You can also get on one of the day ferries to get from Maui to Lanai and back.

由于拉奈岛位于临近两岛屿的雨影区,所以降水量极少。Lying in the rain shadow of two nearby islands, Lanai receives little precipitation.

柯艾雷渡假村华丽的酒店前,如镜的池塘倒映着拉奈岛的自然之美。A reflecting pool at the luxury hotel Lodge at Koele mirrors the natural beauty of Lanai.

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自从1995年比尔盖兹在此结婚后,拉奈岛现在已成为世界知名的渡假岛屿。Since Bill Gates got married here in 1995, Lanai has become a world-renown resort island.

夏威夷拉奈市的一个小家庭的黄色色调正好与房主的普利茅斯葡萄收获期相匹配。The yellow hues of a small home in Lanai City, Hawaii, are matched by its owner's vintage Plymouth.

客厅通往有覆盖的阳台,阳台俯瞰清幽的游泳池,四周是草木繁茂、五彩缤纷的热带花园。The living room opens up to a covered lanai that overlooks the pool secluded by lush tropical and colorful gardens.

享受舒适的私人阳台上观看鲸鱼和吸收辐射岛日落在每一天结束。Enjoy whale watching from the comfort of the private lanai and absorb the radiant island sunsets at the close of each day.

依门廊制作的象牙形半通透藏衣柜兼具实用与美观效果。Half chest that appear Tibet holds the ivory body that makes according to lanai concurrently practical with beautiful effect.

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这张长时间曝光的照片将车灯变成了一条蜿蜒在在夏威夷的拉奈岛上的奇岩园地带的光痕。A time-exposed photograph turns car headlights into luminous trails winding through the Garden of the Gods on Hawaii's Lanai Island.

该楼由万国储畜会投资建造,是上海最早的外廊式公寓建筑。This building will invest the construction by ten thousand heir apparent livestock, will be the Shanghai earliest lanai type apartment construction.

一只铁炉子夏天往门廊里一放,冬天在屋子里一蹲,做饭时把锅碗瓢盆往旁边一摆。Summer of an iron furnace is put in past lanai , crouch in the house in the winter, when cooking place basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle toward the side.

有神灵花园之称的夏威夷拉奈岛,因为数千年的腐蚀,其峡谷布满了像月球表面的巨砾。Thousands of years of erosion left this lunar-like landscape of boulders strewn across a canyon on Hawaii's Lanai Island, known as the Garden of the Gods.

到拉纳你要做的第一件事,就是去租辆越野车。然后沿着山脊上崎岖不平的车道开向毛伊岛,顺道欣赏沿途美妙的风景。The thing to do while on Lanai is rent a Jeep, and crawl up the washboard dirt lane that tops out along the ridge line with wide views across the channel to Maui.

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客厅通往有覆盖的阳台,阳台俯瞰清幽的游泳池,四周是草木繁茂、五彩缤纷的热带花园阳台是日光浴和进餐的完美地点。The living room opens up to a covered lanai that overlooks the pool secluded by lush tropical and colorful gardens. The lanai is perfect for sunbathing and dining.

基于多个工程的实测数据,对利用测斜仪和边桩对路基侧向位移过程中的局限性进行了考察。On the basis of the measured values of lanai displacements of acme engineering, the limitation of lateral displacement measured by inclinometers and side pilings is analyzed.

有一天夜晚,一只大蜘蛛出现在他们最后一个寓所的门廊前,毛茸茸的有一块硬币的大小,腿从身体伸出来有3英寸之长。One night upon the lanai of their last apartment, a large spider appeared with a furry middle the size of a silver dollar and legs that stretched three inches out from the core of the body.