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它是在1995年的代顿协议上确立的,马克的名字指的是德国马克。It was established as such by the 1995 Dayton Agreement.

代顿协议的签订,使波黑地平线上露出和平的曙光。The signing of the Dayton accords shed some light of peace.

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美国俄亥俄州西南部一城市,是代尔顿的郊区。人口8,88。A city of southwest Ohio, a suburb of Dayton. Population, 8,88'.

下半场比赛由戴顿代替威廉上场。Dayton was substituted for Williams in the second half of the match.

美国俄亥俄州西南一社区,属代顿市郊。人口38,696。A community of southwest Ohio, a suburb of Dayton. Population, 38,696.

后院里,艾德·韦斯特威克和丽顿·米斯特正在激烈的争吵。Back yard, Aideweisi Bostwick and Li Mi Site Dayton is heated quarrel.

俄亥俄州的两座城市,代顿和辛辛那提,分列排行榜第9和第10。Two Ohio cities, Dayton and Cincinnati, made our list at Nos. 9 and 10.

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美国俄亥俄州西南部城市,是戴顿市的工业近郊。人口'0,5'9。A city of southwest Ohio, an industrial suburb of Dayton. Population, '0,5'9.

若纳山僧见处,直饶知解顿忘,犹是门外汉。If satisfied Shanseng see Office Solutions Direct Rao know Dayton forget, still a layman.

特罗伊美国俄亥俄州中西部一城市,位于代顿以北,是。A city of west-central Ohio north of Dayton. It is a processing center. Population, 19, 478.

衣衫单薄的女孩手指冻得红肿溃烂,让人顿起怜悯之心。Scantily clad girl fingers were red and swollen fester, let the people of Dayton compassion.

南华寺受到蒙古统治者的扶持和保护,也体现出元朝政府对禅宗顿教的态度。Mongol rulers expressed their attitude to the Dayton Zen by supported and protected Nanhua temple.

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泰明顿公司只是德国汽车业甚至欧洲汽车业的一个缩影。Temin Dayton Germany's only European car industry and even a miniature of the automotive industry.

同时,布劳顿又发明了第一种软皮手套,以保护脸部皮肤。At the same time, Burao Dayton also invented the first a soft leather gloves to protect facial skin.

空间与形态的比例一旦接近相仿,其表现力顿显疲软。Space and shape similar to the proportion of once close to, its expression significantly weaker Dayton.

代顿结束了南斯拉夫的战争,但是他创立的宪法也是导致南斯拉夫地区后来的僵局的原因所在。It was Dayton that brought an end to the war but produced a constitution that was a recipe for deadlock.

代顿说创建网站是为了帮助那些想学中文的人,并把他们对武侠的热爱传播开来。Dayton said the general idea is to help those who want to learn Chinese and to spread their love of wuxia.

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可有了真爱在身边却吃了上顿愁下餐,他肯定还是觉得物质是第一的!Can be in love with him while eating a meal under the Dayton worry, he is sure that the material is the first!

后味木质调与麝香徘徊香根草、顿加豆、琥珀之中,留下些许温暖。After the lingering taste of wood notes and musk vetiver, Dayton add beans, amber being, leaving a little warm.

他们需要更多的电器”,田崎川说道。这位老代顿人今年64岁,他的儿子就生活在迈阿密大学的宿舍中。They need more appliances, " said Takashi Kawai, a 64-year-old Dayton -area man whose son lives in a dorm at Miami."