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它是在地面上的白霜吗?Is it hoarfrost on the ground?

它是白霜铺在地面上吗?Is it hoarfrost on the ground ?

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美国爱荷华州铁丝网上的白霜。Hoarfrost on a wire fence in the US state of Iowa.

在霜下桦树的最轻微的枝是白色的。Under the hoarfrost the slightest twig of birches is white.

白霜发生在室外,通常发生在未冻住的湖或小溪附近的裸露的植物上。Hoarfrost occurs outdoors, usually on exposed plants near unfrozen lakes or streams.

在督伊德教成员最喜欢的一个聚集点下方,白霜覆盖着美洲野牛的鼻尖。Hoarfrost coats the noses of bison below one of the Druids' favorite rendezvous sites.

1937年,这个机车在巴黎获得了大奖。This one was given the grand prize in 1937 in Paris. Hoarfrost on metal looks very beautiful.

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一种干冷结冰,没有形成具有保护作用的白霜,引起内部结冰和蔬菜死亡。A dry freeze without the protective formation of hoarfrost that results in the internal freezing and death of vegetation.

各家报纸刊登了霍尔弗罗斯特与周恩来总理握手的照片,“媒体的关注达到了疯狂的程度”。Newspapers carried photos of Hoarfrost shaking hands with Premier Zhou Enlai and "media attention reached an insane level."

其他地方也有一些车辆和机车,即使本地工作的人也不知道究竟有多少。Hoarfrost on metal looks very beautiful. Somewhere there are other cars and locomotives, even the local workers don't know how many.

她穿着羊毛、毛皮和皮革,外面套着霜冻的外衣,当她移动时,外衣在月光下摇晃,闪闪发亮。She wore wool and fur and leather, and over that she wore a coat of hoarfrost that crackled when she moved and glistened in the moonlight.

车用燃油加热器是低温条件下发动机冷起动,车厢供暖,挡风玻璃除霜的重要辅助装置。Vehicle fuel heater is an important assistant facility used for cold condition engine start, carriage heating and windshield hoarfrost removing.