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拿着一把他妈的苏格兰大剑。With a big fucking broadsword.

一把金煌煌的大刀挂在墙上。A shiny broadsword is hanging on the wall.

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单刀是套路中短器械的一种。Single broadsword is one of the short weapons.

我喜欢使用重剑,剑道以及阔刀风格。And I like to use Epee, Kendo , and Broadsword styles.

跟现时还有的“春秋大刀”用法一样吧!但这种刀的款形少见。It's the same as Spring and Autumn Broadsword nowadays! Rare such Dao.

正如我们看见所谓的戚家刀不能就说是唐大刀一样。As the so-called Qi's Dao we see can not be said to be Tang broadsword.

大刀世家传人齐昭曾是宣统皇帝御前侍卫。Broadsword family descendant JiZhao was xuantong emperor queen bodyguard.

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他眼中只有美人,没有规避美人后面还有个武松手里的大刀。His eyes only beauty, no evading beauty behind a Wu-song hand the broadsword.

在哪儿有这么重的大刀,谁又能耍得动呢?。Where can you find such a heavy broadsword? Moreover, who is able to lift it?

他眼中只有美人,没有规避美人后面还有个武松手里的大刀。His eyes only beauty, no evading beauty and a Wu-song hand behind the broadsword.

明代风格的大刀,可以理解为钢铁的实用与艺术的化身。Broadsword of Ming dynasty style, can be considered as the avatar of practice of steel and art.

她骑车回家的路上,突然有一个蒙面强盗手里拿着大刀向她冲了过去,抢走了在她车筐里的皮包。On her way home, a masked bandit with a broadsword in the hand suddenly rush to her and robbed her bag away.

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宋哲元29军大刀队夜袭喜峰口,将数百日军用大刀一律砍为两截。Song Zheyuan 29 broadsword army put a moonlighting on Xifengkou, and cut millions enemies into two parts with broadswords.

穷途末路的日军长官跟刘建功进行了一场博斗,最后死于刘建功的大刀之下。A dead end with the Japanese army chief executive LiuJianGong a wrestling, and finally death began under active broadsword.

楚大刀也有点不敢相信铁彪单人匹马,真能把人救回,心中欣赏。Chu broadsword also a little cant believe iron young tiger single horse, true can get people to save, in the heart to appreciate.

该发明是在古代兵器即传统武术器械大刀上加上现代设备而构成,设备主要部分为高压电源。The invention is a broadsword of ancient weapon, with addition of modern equipment of which the main portion is a high-voltage power supply.

春秋大刀,是少林刀术之一,在十八般兵器中气概和勇猛难度,以大刀为最,被誉为百兵之帅。Spring and Autumn Broadsword is one of spear techniques in Shaolin, which is designated as the Head of A Hundred Arms with its spirit and valor.

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唐大刀已是双吊环式佩刀法,刀刃向上是不大可能的,这点上传世和出土实物已非常清楚。Tang broadsword was the double-ring-style girding , and it's not so possible to be upward blade. It's very clear for the practical things passed down or unearthed.

在今天的比赛中,兄弟俩都参加了比赛,分别荣获刀术第三名、南拳第四名和朴刀第六名。In this event, both of these brothers participated in the games, and took the third place in the broadsword match, fourth in the Southern Fist and sixth in falchion respectively.

他单刀匹马地闯入敌人布下的陷阱,为莫伦报仇雪恨,也从此踏上了一条不归路。His short-hilted broadsword dry goods field bursts into the trap under enemy cloth , is that Molun avenges oneself, have stepped on a block of wood returning journey also herefrom.