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教学的针对性是为教学的实效性服务的。The teaching pertinence serves the teaching validity.

要增强思想政治工作的针对性和实效性。Also, we should strengthen it pertinence and actual effect.

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第三增强盛学生思惟政治教育网络沟通内容的时期感和针对性。Third is to strengthen the sense of the times and pertinence of it.

因此,本软件针对性强,已具有较高的使用价值。So the software is strong pertinence and has important practical value.

通过对数据相关性分析,确定了敏感性因素。We confirmed the sensitivity factor through the analysis to data pertinence.

但在应用中,必须突出主体性,体现针对性,力求实效性。In applying it, the subjectivity, pertinence and effectiveness must be emphasized.

今后,还需要进一步有针对性地组织优秀稿源。In the future, excellent manuscript source will be organized with more pertinence.

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是文旦过的日期还是规格,与这个例子相关或其他的?Should it be the date or the size of the document, pertinence to the case or another?

法学教育的内容应是普遍性与针对性的统一。The contents of legal education should be an unification of catholicity and pertinence.

进一步增强法制宣传教育的针对性和实效性。II. Further enhancing the pertinence and effectiveness of legal publicity and education.

检测,进行的专业化设计的软件,更具有针对性。This professional software is designed for the RoHS testing with a higher degree of pertinence.

我们在这里使用谷歌地球的原因,是因为它实用有效的缩放功能。The reason to use Google Earth in this exercise is the utility and pertinence of the zoom function.

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由于家教是一对一的教学模式,所以教得也更认真,对学生的针对性也越强。Tutor can teach more carefully, because the teaching mode is one-to-one. The pertinence is stronger.

牟宗三与康德有着相似的人生和迥异的性格,更有着“斩不断,理还乱”的学理相关性。Mou Tsung-san and Kant have similar life, different character, and even the close theoretical pertinence.

非学历教育具有周期短、见效快、针对性强等特点,能够快速体现出办学效应和社会效应。Non-School Record Education has the characteristics, like short cycle, high effect, and strong pertinence.

杜仲不同器官含胶率的差异及其相关性分析。The Difference and Its Pertinence Analysis of the Guttapercha Content in Organs of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.

提出了“职业针对性”应是职业技术教育的本质特征。This article puts forwards that " pertinence of career" is the nature of vocational and technical education.

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鲜明的针对性和较强的实效性是学校教学科研的明显特征。Fresh and clear pertinence and strong actual effect real are obvious characteristics of scholastic education research.

告诉对方当时的实际情况,你所用的方法,以及实施之后的结果。Tell the other party the situation then, the methods you used as well as the result made. The pertinence is necessary.

学生自我监控学习能力的各维度与学生性别之间的相关性。The third, the pertinence of every aspect of the students' self-monitoring learning ability with the students' genders.