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不要再混日子!No longer laze away.

在阳光下懒散一会儿真是太舒服了。It's lovely just to laze away in the sun.

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不要再混日子了,小心日子把你给混了。Don't laze away any more, be careful of being erased by days. ?

秤子可不会满足于仅在偏远的别墅里混日子。Libra, you are not content to just laze around a secluded villa.

在白沙滩或高尔夫球拉则在两个世界排名课程。Laze on the white-sand beach or golf on two world-ranked courses.

如果你不抓紧时间,你的一辈子就浪费了。If you don't make the best use of your time, you'll laze away your life.

整个下午懒散的躺在无靠背的沙发沉思于令人崇敬的维多利亚女王时代!Laze on a divan all afternoon contemplating the sublime nature of the Victorian universe!

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现代会计的发展走过了从自由放任到政府监管的历程。Modern accounting has followed a developmental path from Laze fare to governmental regulation.

你也可以游泳,浮浅或在蓝天白云下躺在沙滩上,聆听海的旋律。One could swim, snorkel or just laze on a quiet beach of pure white sand under bright blue skies.

停下来花些时间好好的睡觉,好好的放松闲散下,听听音乐或者进行一些放松活动。Take time out to sleep properly, laze around, listen to music or have some form of leisure activity.

要是问我为什么,也许是因为我从深蓝浅蓝的纯真时代,走到了晃晃悠悠的现实中吧。If you ask me why, perhaps because of my shallow blue from the pure era, came to just laze in reality.

到堪培拉众多一流的高尔夫球场一展身手,当您挥杆时,袋鼠就在草坪上慵懒地闲逛。Tee off on one of Canberra's outstanding golf courses, where kangaroos laze in the grass while you play.

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在炎热的日子里,它们往往不怎么四处走动,宁愿呆在凉爽的洞穴,以免过热。On hot days, they tend not to move around much, preferring to laze in cool burrows so as not to overheat.

天气炎热的白天,它们在树林和灌木丛的阴影里消磨时光,要等到气温渐凉的傍晚时分才出来狩猎。During the heat of the day, they laze in the shade of trees and bushes, waiting for the cool of evening to hunt.

往年的圣诞和新年期间,游客从世界各地蜂拥而至。他们在这里冲浪、聚会或者悠闲地在泳池边消磨时间。In past years, tourists from around the world besieged the vacation island at Christmas and New Year's to surf, party or laze beside the pool.

没去过拉则寺的人是无法想象那些天造地就的神圣美景,只有置身其中的人才能感同身受。If you have never been Laze Monastery, you could never imagine how fascinating it is. Only those who are melt into it can touch and experience it.

在家里晃晃悠悠的诱惑对某些人来说太棒了。以下是一些想法供你考虑,以决定远程办公对你是否合适。The temptation to just laze about the house is too great for some. Here are some ideas to think about to decide whether telecommuting is right for you.

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如果你懒散地在电视机面前无事可做,那些广告商们又注定会一点点地挖掘出你的本来根本不想买的欲望。If you laze in front of the TV doing nothing, then the advertisers are bound to instill a yearning for something that you wouldn’t have wanted otherwise.

他指出,在早期的工业英国,一个在工厂工作的男孩改进他的机器,是为了在几个小时之内完成一天的工作量,剩下来的时间却无所事事。In early industrial Britain, he reports, a factory boy modified his machine in order to complete his day's work in a couple of hours, and laze around the rest of the time.

就我而言,放风筝很好玩,因为那可以给我一个借口一边看那优美的风筝上下飘动,一边做白日梦,懒散地打发一个晴朗的下午。As far as I am concerned, flying a kite is fun because it gives me an excuse to laze away a sunny afternoon daydreaming while watching the delicate kites bobbing up and down.