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该模型能有效降低数据冗余,提高数据访问效率。It can reduce data redundance and improve data access efficiency.

级联型逆变器具有开关冗余和隔离直流电源冗余。There are switch redundance and dc source redundance in cascaded inverter.

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经验证优化后的程序可以实现无冗余设计。It is proved that, optimized program can realize the design without any redundance.

富裕并不意味多余。猎犬在旋转木立刻找到一本深奥的书。Abundance doesn't mean redundance. The hound found a profound book on the roundabout.

充裕并不意味多馀.猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书.Abundance doesn’t mean redundance. The hound found a profound book on the roundabout.

充裕其实不料味骈枝。猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书。abundance doesn't mean redundance. the hound found a profound book on the roundabout.

由于视频图像的知识冗余度,视频压缩可以彩基于图像内容的压缩方式。Based on knowledge redundance of video, video compression can also be done by content.

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充裕并不意味多余.猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书.Abundance doesn't mean redundance. The hound found a profound book on the roundabout.

提出一种新型冗余驱动并联模拟平台。A new kind of parallel simulation platform with redundance actuation has been put forward.

软件技术如指令冗余、软件陷阱、程序监控定时器。The later one executates redundance order, deals with software traps and timely monitors programs.

提出了一种基于时态的数据库系统的基本结构,减少数据冗余。The thesis introduces a structure of database system based on time, which reduces the data redundance.

接着,对电源中的容错技术和冗余技术的基本概念作了简要的阐述。Then, the paper gives brief introduction on the basic concept of fault tolerance and redundance technique in power supply.

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采用硬件、软件冗余技术与安全输出通道,可极大地提高计算机系统的安全性能。To appropriate hardware and software redundance technology and safety chunnel could improve the security of computer system.

在分布式数据库系统中,由于数据的分布和冗余,查询处理变得更为复杂。For the distributed database systems, query processing becomes more difficult because of distribution and redundance of data.

严格节制新上加工工业项目,预防低水平重复建设。Stringent control was exercised to block new projects in processing industries and avoid redundance in low-level development.

系统采用“三冗余”设计技术,实现节能的前提下系统的安全可靠运行,取得了比较大的经济效益。The system adopts "three redundance"technology. It realized reliable operation in energy conservation and gained economic benefit.

结论基于面向对象XML文档的面向方面定义方式减少了XML文档定义中代码的重复,提高文档定义的模块性和可移植性。The results show that it reduces the code redundance of the XML document definitions, and obtain better modularity and portability.

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传统的服务器容错模型大多采用复制和冗余机制,给系统造成大量垃圾。Most of traditional fault-tolerant model adopt copy and redundance mechanism, therefore a large number of the rubbish is made in system.

对研究的三余度伺服控制系统的机理进行分析,建立了被控对象的线性化数学模型。A linearized mathematical model for the developed triplex redundance servo control system is derived on the basis of its mechanism analysis.

HSRP和VRRP协议均实现了静态路由的热备份,但都没有很好地解决负载均衡的问题。All the protocols such as IPSTB, HSRP and VRRP provide the function of redundance for static route, but they don t provide load balance well.