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我干了点儿家务.I did a tew chores.

图说,网站现在已经恢复正常了。Tew said the site now works normally.

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让我们来听听亚历克斯·图是如何看待他这一创举的。Let's hear what Alex Tew says about his marvel5.

“我没料到事情会如此发展”他说。"I didn't expect it to happen like that, " Tew said.

出生于美国罗德岛州的纽波特的一个富有家庭Tew was born in Newport, Rhode Island and his family was rich.

之后,他加入了被称为corsairs的法国海盗,并离开了马达加斯加After that Tew joined with French pirates called corsairs and sailed off the coast of Madagascar.

美国的两项最新民意调查显示,共和党总统候选人麦凯恩超越了他的民主党竞选对手奥巴马。Tew new public opinion polls show the Republican candidate John McCain leading his Democratic rival, Barack Obama.

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他希望他的船员们都变成海盗,并去追逐财宝,也不用和任何人分享Tew offered his crew the chance to turn into pirates and go after real treasure that they would not have to share with anyone.

本文研究了弹性飞机的颤振主动抑制就颤振发生的实质的讨论,提出一种研究颤振问题的探索性想法,即把对全系统颤振问题的研究归结到对其中少数有关的运动模态特性的研究。In this paper a new idea to investigate flutter problem Is proposed, the new idea is that we may study only a tew modes of an aeroelastic system instead of studying the whole.

“当然,这其中也有其它原因,比如污染和非本土物种的侵入,”Tew博士解释道,“无论如何,栖息地的丧失都是罪魁祸首,但如今趋势在开始转变。"Other factors are involved, of course – such as pollution and invasion by non-native species, " said Dr Tew. "However, habitat loss remains the worst offender, although trends are beginning to shift.