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比赛的第二阶段是回转赛。The second part of this competition is slalom.

在小回转和大回转中都要用到两板平行的转弯。Turns on parallel skis are used in both Slalom and GS.

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非常强大的设计和跳跃,街头赛车,和回转。Are very strong and designed for jumping, street racing, and slalom.

这个滑雪场运行有大回转的感觉是很有道理的。Cimmaron . This ski run has a giant slalom feel to it with good reason.

回旋滑水项目中,计算运动员滑绕两行浮标成功的次数。In a slalom event, the skier is timed on a run round two lines of buoys.

但是佩罗塔在随后的时间内就以一个难以置信的精彩进球将领先优势扩大为3-0。But Simone Perrotta went on an incredible slalom to make it 3-0 moments later.

她还获得银牌的超级组合,这是下坡,障碍滑雪赛。She also won the silver in the super combined, which is downhill and slalom racing.

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下方穿越广泛应用于现代小回转技术,通常与低姿释重结合使用。Crossunder is extensively used in modern Slalom. It is usually combined with down-unweigthing.

平花是一种运动,在轮子上舞蹈,在广场上,和其他爱好这项运动的人一起。Slalom is the sport that dancing on the wheels, on the square, with others who love this game!

伯德米勒比赛期间,FIS的世界杯高山滑雪大回转比赛12月20日在阿尔塔巴迪亚,意大利。Bode Miller races during the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup giant slalom December 20 in Alta Badia, Italy.

你现在看到的是年度牛仔高山滑雪赛,这个比赛涉及障碍滑雪和套索使用技能。You are looking at the annual downhill cowboy skiing competition that involves slalom and lassoing skills.

回转赛的皮艇和单人划艇的船身长,由复合材料制成,为了快速行驶、易于转向,采用了细窄的船尾。Slalom kayaks and canoes are long, made of composite material, with thin sterns to go fast, but turn easily.

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林赛Vonn竞争的高山滑雪世界杯加米施帕滕基大回转比赛,德国3月11日。Lindsey Vonn competes in the Alpine skiing World Cup giant slalom in Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany March 11.

我也观看了电视上其他一些赛况。我喜欢障碍滑雪,选手们都滑得飞快。I watched some of the other sports on television, too. I liked the slalom skiing where the skiers go very fast.

我们经历了所有这些系统的共同努力,尽管从乘客座位上,通过回转运动。We experienced all of these systems working together, albeit from the passenger seat, through a slalom exercise.

年法国阿尔贝维尔冬季奥运会上,塞钦格在高山速降比赛中名列,在超级大回转项目中夺得铜牌。At the 1992 Albertville Winter Games, she placed fourth in the downhill and then earned a bronze medal in the super giant slalom.

也许他们还擅自雇了个酗酒的船长,这人喜欢喝马丁尼,喜欢跟冰山玩滑雪.。Maybe they even took the liberty to hire an alcoholic skipper, who likes to drink martinis and fuckin' play slalom with the icebergs.

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林赛对美国Vonn清除期间FIS的世界杯女子大回转二○○九年十二月十三日1日在难道,瑞典腿一门。Lindsay Vonn of the United States clears a gate during the 1st leg of the FIS World Cup Women's Slalom December 13, 2009 in Are, Sweden.

当中的主要焦点是阿拉卡提,一个受保护的海滩小镇,去年是职业帆板障碍赛世界杯赛事的举办地。The main draw is Alacati, a sheltered beach town that last summer was the site of the Professional Windsurfers Association Slalom World Cup.

在夏季,展馆从纽约市外的滑雪场借来滑雪障碍桩,在冬季到来时再还回去。The pavilion will use slalom gates, which are useless during summer, borrowed from a ski resort outside NYC and returned for the next ski season.