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我不断哄着它。I kept coaxing.

他们一直开机。They kept it on.

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并作了记录。and he kept track.

他不停地写着。He kept on writing.

儿子默然不语。His son kept silent.

但我只是继续走路。But I kept on walking.

他持守了他所相信的道。He has kept the faith.

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于是我又继续跑。Then I kept on running.

阿丽丝不断向我们挥手。Alice kept waving to us.

老兄,你就是个吃软饭的。Dude, you're a kept man.

他们也会一直问她。And they kept asking her.

雨滴答滴答地下个不停。The rain kept chittering.

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我紧紧地闭上双眼。I kept my eyes tight shut.

将及时向你通报情况。对吗?You will be kept informed.

老两口开了一家客栈。The old couple kept an inn.

从那时候起,我们就一直养着她。And that's when we kept her.

他不断煽动我去打架。He kept goading me to fight.

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他让我等了好久。He kept me waiting for ages.

他没告诉任何人这条消息。He kept the news to himself.

他的钢盔在闪闪发光。His helmet kept coruscating.