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如何治疗慢性咽炎?。How to treat chronic pharyngitis?

慢性咽炎是什么病?What disease is chronic pharyngitis?

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如何治疗慢性咽炎绿泡?。How to treat chronic pharyngitis green bubble?

如何治疗慢性咽炎绿泡?。What medicine treats chronic pharyngitis best?

医院体检得了咽炎怎么治?How did hospital check-up get pharyngitis to treat?

咽炎和鼻炎是怎么患上的呢?How are pharyngitis and rhinitis to suffer from go up?

常用的治疗咽炎的方法。Methods commonly used in the treatment of pharyngitis.

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怪性咽炎多见于中年人。The strange pharyngitis sees in the middle-aged person.

如急性附睾炎、前列腺炎、结肠炎、咽炎。If acute epididymitis, prostatitis, colitis, pharyngitis.

慢性咽炎和鼻炎怎么防治!?。How do chronic pharyngitis and rhinitis prevent and cure! ?

目的研究慢性咽炎的细菌学问题。Objective To study the bacteriology of chronic pharyngitis.

过敏性咽炎有什么好方法治疗?。What good method does irritability pharyngitis have to treat?

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目的初步探讨慢性咽炎的细菌学问题。Objective To study the bacterium of patients with chronic pharyngitis.

是彻底治疗慢性咽炎的首选方法。Is thoroughly the preferred method of treatment of chronic pharyngitis.

什么药对慢性咽炎的治疗最有效?What medicine is the most effective to the cure of chronic pharyngitis ?

用于肺结核,淋巴结结核,淋巴结炎,咽喉炎。For tuberculosis, lymphatic tuberculosis, lymphadenitis , and pharyngitis.

过敏性鼻炎咽炎有食疗偏方吗?Does irritability rhinitis pharyngitis have dietotherapy folk prescription?

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单独靠临床症状来诊断儿童A族链球菌咽喉炎是不可靠的。Diagnosis of GAS pharyngitis based on clinical features alone is unreliable.

而年龄介于6到11岁间的儿童较容易罹患A族链球菌咽喉炎。Patients aged between 6 and 11 years were more prevalent in GAS pharyngitis.

我老公和妈妈的慢性咽炎就是用传统方法治好的。My husband and mother of chronic pharyngitis is the traditional method of cure.