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因为这是一场生态灾难。This is an ecological disaster.

这里的确是一座生态园。Here is indeed an ecological park.

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保护生态环境。Preserve the ecological environment.

环保袋,可爱吗!在路上别人会看你的。Disney's ecological reusable bag by you.

构建水绿网络化的生态系统。To design water-green ecological system.

尽管如此,这里的生态平衡很脆弱。The ecological balance is fragile, though.

瓶装水简直是一场生态浩劫。Bottled water is an ecological catastrophe.

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我们要建全国最美丽的生态医院!Build the Mots Beautiful Ecological Hospital!

生态危机与过度消费有关。Ecological crisis is related to over-consuming.

生态护岸是一种新式的护岸技能。Ecological revetment is a new revetment skills.

过度捕鱼已经破坏了生态平衡。Overfishing has destroyed the ecological balance.

建设首都绿色生态屏障。Building green ecological shelters for the capital?

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拒食野生动物,维护生态平衡。Eating wild animal, to maintain ecological balance.

小肥猫客栈有着生态花园客栈的美称。Small fat cat has ecological garden hotel inn name.

还记的生态文明进校园么?Remember ecological civilization into the campus it?

乘黄坑至太平龙湾的公共汽车途经鸸鹋生态园。Wo to peaceful means of a bus Emu Ecological Garden.

它不仅是一场生态危机,而更进一步演变成了人类悲剧。It had become an ecological but also a human tragedy.

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生态群体本身就会在土地上自组织。An ecological combo self-organizes itself on the land.

生态建设和环境治理工程。Ecological construction and environmental improvement.

阳明山国家公园生态导览。Ecological tour guide in Yang-ming-shan National Park.